Part 1

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Third Person POV

Today was the day that would change their lives forever. And they knew it. Mainly because Alice had a vision and her and Edward were to excited not to tell anyone. The Cullen clan had a shared mate, and she would be starting at Forks High School soon. She seemed, in Alice's vision, like the perfect one for each of them in her own way. But I guess they would have to wait and see.

Soon the day had come and no one could contain themselves. Alice was jumping about the house like her usual self, but today it was over the top. Esme was rushing around cleaning the house even though it was already spotless. Carlisle had went to work but he didn't want to, he wanted to meet their mate. 

Emmett could hardly wait as well, pacing his room which made Rosalie smile seeing how excited he was. Rosalie was ready to meet her as well. The one human she wouldn't hate. Edward was just as excited, everyone was ready to go to school an hour before they even needed to leave. Esme was tempted to go with them just to see her.

When it was finally time for them to leave, they all rushed to the cars promising Esme that they would try and get a picture of the girl to show her and Carlisle when they came home. When they got to school they all stood around their cars like usual, but this time they were more antsy. "Alice when is she getting here?" Rosalie asks from Emmetts arms. 

Alice was in a daze before Rosalie even asked the question. "They're about to pull in. She's riding with her sister." Alice says as she finally comes out of her daze. A black Jeep Wrangler 2.0 pulled into the parking lot grabbing everyones attention. She was finally here. As the jeep cut off you could hear two girls arguing. 

"Do you really have to drive like that?" One of the girls ask annoyed. The passenger door swings open and a pale girl with brown hair climbs out. "Not her" Alice says softly. They wait in anticipation for the next girl to come into view and even just to hear her voice. "Well then next time don't ride with me!" An annoyed voice snaps. 

Chills run down the siblings spines, which is impossible being vampires. Her voice was like music to them, even annoyed. "Oh we need to ride together for the first day so we don't get lost" The voice mimics in a baby voice. The brown haired girl shuts her door turning away from the car. They then hear the other door open. It slams shut and a beautiful girl rounds the jeep.

"AKA dad told you to make sure I actually went to school and that was your excuse. Next time, don't baby me" The girl tells her sister. The Cullens watch her in awe. "Look, you've been through a lot. I know that. Dad just wants to make sure you settle in alright. Give him a break." The brown haired girl tells her sister.

"Whatever. Let's just get this over with" The girl mumbles walking inside with her sister chasing after her. "She's perfect" Jasper says being the first one to speak. The others voice their agreements thinking about their mate. They finally go inside heading to class, hoping their mate would share classes with them. 

In the office, the Swan sisters were getting their schedules. "I'm Bella Swan. This is my sister, Cameron Swan." Bella tells the woman. The woman at the desk looks up at the second name, eyeing the girl. "Yeah. That Cameron Swan. Let's move on alright?!" She snaps at the woman. She snatches her schedule storming out of the office.

She looks down at her schedule before heading down the hall. An asian boy shows up at her side making her sigh. "I'm Eric you must be... Cameron? Am I right?" He asks her. "Yeah. You wanna stare at me like a zoo animal too?" She asks annoyed. "Nope. I'm the eyes and ears of this school. Everyone heard you and your sister were coming. We don't get new people often." He tells her. 

"Well good for you guys not having a life." She rolls her eyes. "Need anything? Tour guide? Lunch date? Shoulder to cry on? I'm your guy" He grins. "Nope. I suffer alone. Sorry Asian boy." She says before walking away from him. She finds her history class easy enough and walks in, everyones eyes turn to her and multiple whispers start. 

The girl rolls her eyes as she walks to the teacher. The teacher eyes her warily. "I'm Cameron Swan" She states getting annoyed. "Of course. Please, introduce yourself to the class" The teacher tells her taking her slip to sign it. She turns around to the class annoyed. 

"Yes, I'm that Cameron Swan. I just moved here with my twin sister Bella. Who wants to ask stupid questions?" She states annoyed. Jasper, who was in the back with Rosalie, shares a confused look with his sister. Hands raise up and Cameron nods at someone in the front of the room. "Is it true what the reports said?" The girl asks curiously.

"Which reports?" Cameron responds. Rosalie slips out her phone typing in the girls name and articles pop onto her phone. "That you went crazy after that person died. And tried to hunt down Antonio Mendez and kill him" The girl answers. "That PERSON. Was my best friend, and his name was Anthony." Cameron snaps at the girl. 

Rosalie slides her phone to Jasper showing him multiple articles that came up from Phoenix. 'Cameron Swan goes lethal after death of friend'. And another 'Swan girl goes bonkers and on a kill spree'. They share confused looks. "So did you try and kill him?" The girl asks. "You wanna talk about murder? Wow, this small town is special" She snorts.

"Is it true that you were carrying Anthonys baby and that's why you went psycho?" A jock asks with a smirk. "How about I wipe that smirk off alright? Anthony was gay. He was my best friend since I was a kid. Yeah, I flipped out when he died. No, I didn't try to kill anyone. All I did was track Mendez down and then call the cops. Mendez attacked me before the cops got there and they assumed I was trying to kill him to avenge Anthony" She states.

"Anything else? Or can we get on with our lives?" She asks annoyed. When no one raised their hands the teacher sent her to the back to sit between Rosalie and Jasper. When Cameron saw them she was shocked. They were so beautiful. As she sat down she tried not to gaze at them but found it hard. Rosalie and Jasper found it hard as well. Their mate was so close yet they couldn't do anything yet. Today would be long. 

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