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"Baby! Baby!" Tay pushed on my arm trying to wake me up but shit I busted a great nut last night I honestly wasn't trying to wake the hell up. "Grrr what woman!" I said through gritted teeth turning over in the bed. "It's your mom." "My mom?" 9 months ago my mother and father decided to reunite the old lovers quarrel and got knocked up. I've been waiting for this news for quite sometime now. "Yes baby. The baby is coming. Mom's in labor!" I leaped out the bed grabbing my "mom's in labor" bag and stuffed my legs into a pair of sweats grabbing Tay's hand. "Well come on woman my mother's having a freaking baby!"

On the way to the hospital I was so glad Tay didn't let me drive because ugh I felt like she was driving a bit to slow. This was an emergency they should understand. Pulling into a parking spot barely waiting for Tay I dashed for the double doors letting them open upon my arrival to the black mat. "I mean bae can you wait for me?!" Tay said chasing after me trying to keep up. I could barely see her face because even though it was the morning, the sun still hadn't rose yet. Grabbing Tay's arms I assisted her in keeping up with me. As soon as we reached the maternity ward I saw all of my family in the waiting room. Damn was I the last to find out?! I saw my Aunt Helen and went straight for her. Helen and my mom were twin sisters they were so perfectly identical that when I was little I use to get them confused so I called them both mommie. Isn't that cute? "Hey Aunt Helen any news?" "She started dilating and she's waiting for you to go back there.  She only wants you and your father back there." I looked at Tay and she smiled nodding her head. I hated to leave her there but my mother needed me.

Walking back to my mother's room my hands started sweating I was so excited I could barely keep from running. The nurse showed me to my mother's room and I walked in smiling. There she was my beautiful mother with her round belly laying on the bed in a huge sweat. "Ooooh Anaese come here my beautiful child." My mother reached out for me and I walked over with tears forming in my eyes. "I'm here mommy I'm here." She grabbed my hand just as she had another contraction. Woah my mother was strong! My dad was holding her other hand keeping up with how far apart her contractions were. In walked a light skin woman a bit to light for me but she had a warm smile. "Why hello Mrs.Debra so glad for you to join us. I'm very happy our baby has decided to come on its own because we were getting ready to induce you." She washed her hands as two more nurses walked into the room following her lead. "I'm Dr.Watson and I'll be helping you bring your new baby into the world okay? Now I'm gonna go ahead and check and see how dilated you are Mrs.Debra okay?" "Okay!" My mother replied through her slow breaths. "Good good keep breathing. When was your last contraction?" "Before you walked in." I said looking at the doctor. "Great. Well let's see what we are working with here." Watching the doctor get jelly from the nurse made my tummy tense up. And in goes the fingers oh my lord! My dad chuckled at me saying,"It's not that bad Ana." Shiiit. "You have dilated tremendously Mrs.Debra, this baby is almost ready to come out 7 centimeters already great work from you and the baby. Now I want you to concentrate because the father you dilate the quicker the contractions. I'm gonna get everything ready and set up for this delivery because we're getting ready to have a baby!" Dr.Watson scurried out the room with the nurses and I smiled at my mother. "I can't believe your having another baby mommie." "Yes its true, you won't be the only child anymore." My mother's eyes tighten as another contraction hit and my father recorded it. It's been 20+ years since they had a baby but they seem quiet prepared.

30 minutes had went by and my mother was practically ripping my hand off and screaming at the top of her lungs. Dr.Watson and her team scrubbed up and rushed into the room getting into position. After the nurses checked my mother and the babies vital signs Dr.Watson spoke up,"Alright Mrs.Debra let's do our stuff now on the count of three I want you to puuuuusssh that baby right on out. Ready?" She looked at all of us and my mother nodded. "One..two..Three PUUUUSSSH DEBRA PUSH!" My mother pushed with all her might grunting and squeezing our hands. Boy was my momma strong! "Okay okay rest Debra rest. Breathe. Let's get ready for push number two okay? Ready? One..two..three..PUUUUSSSSH!" What seemed like a trillion pushes later (which was really only 5) we got to the last push. "Alright Debra just give me one more big big push. Ready? PUUUUSSSSH!" Over my mother's screams I heard a faint cry of a baby. My eyes got wide as I looked down and saw a fat beautiful baby girl. "It's a girl it's a girl!" I yelled out at the top of my lungs jumping up and down. My mother layed her head back with a huge sigh. The doctor cleaned the baby off and sat her on my mother chest. "Ooh isn't she just precious." "What are you going to name her?" Dr.Watson said with big eyes. "Haeven. Haeven Rochelle Wright." My mother said kissing the babies forehead. My mother's eyes squinted as she cried out in pain. "What's wrong? What's happening to my mom?" I said as they grabbed baby Haeven and took her away. "Your mothers having twins!" Dr.Watson said clapping her hands in excitement. Twins?!

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