Chapter Four: Ain't Nothing Like Temptation

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The bass from the speakers had my heart on edge as Megan, Dru, Courtney and I walked into the Pulse nightclub. I'm a very shy person and when I say almost head was turning as we walked through, I'm not exaggerating. The music had everyone live and dancing. What better way to start off the night than with a drink. As if reading my mind Megan pulled me to the bar to get our party started. "Can I get two Long Islands please?" Morgan shouted over the music to the bartender that had his back turned. When he turned around Morgan locked eyes with him. She leaned over into my ear yellin, "Oh my god this bartender is fine child pray for me toniight!" I couldn't help but laugh at my bestfriend. She always knew how to turn up and have a good time. For some reason the bartender kept starring at me I don't know why but I wasn't going to find out. I left Morgan at the bar and carried myself and my drink out onto the dance floor feeling my drink in my system. The Dj had the club rocking tonight every song he played was my jam. A slow song came on and I started grinding my hips when all a sudden I felt a body pressed behind me. Now normally I would look at the person I was dancing with, but I was tore up so I could care less who I was dancing with. Plus they could dance so no sense in discriminating tonight!

After our dance I turned around and nearly passed out. It was her. Why, why was she here? I guess she was reading my facial expression because she leaned into my ear, "My brother Thomas told me you were here so I thought I would surprise you. You look beautiful by the way." I couldn't help but grin, every compliment she gave me hit my soul. I never knew such words could hit such special places. "Y-y-your brother?" I managed to let out while scanning the crowd. "Yes my brother, " she pointed at the bartender who had been starring at me all night. Well I guess that explains why he was starring but how did he know what I looked like? Now wasn't the time to talk about it I was feeling my 5th Long Island and was ready to dance. I took her hand and led her to the middle of the dance floor grinding on her. I wanted to undress her for reason I don't know what was going on but I was becoming a little nasty one. As the bass deepened I dug deeper into her body. It seemed like we had been dancing forever when the Dj announced that the club was closing.  I was beyond twisted tonight. I had 7 Long Islands and 2 Jamaican Me Crazy slushes and I was feeling every drink. Stumbling beside Megan I heard a familiar voice call my name.

"Ana wait up!" I turned towards the voice to see Eric. Eric.Crap. "Hiiii Eric how are you?" I slurred trying to get myself together so I could have a conversation. with him. "I'm fine but how are you?" "Mmm I'm great actualllllly. I feel woonderful!" I slurred and threw up my hands. "WOAH Ana relax let's get you home." Tay said walking up on us. Shit woman I thought you were gone. Don't you see me talking to my future husband? "I'm okay I'm okay you guys really." I took two steps and crumbled to the ground. Oh boy was I tore up! Tay scooped me up off the ground and walked with Morgan to her car.

"Oh what a freaking night!" I sat up groaning as I rubbed my head in agony. Never drinking this much ever again. "I bet it was." I turned to my left and saw my mom leaning over me with a ice pack laying it on my head. "Mom. What happened last night?" "Well you got pretty wasted last night." a voice said that I right away recognized. Tay. Damn this woman was popping up everywhere. But I do remember catching a girl before she fell out onto the floor. I turned and looked at her and almost stopped breathing. Is there any possible way a woman can look so damn fine sitting down? She had this nice fitting black muscle tee with some khaki cargo and flip flops. Her hair o-m-g her hair was beautiful. She had twist at the top but her locs were still touching her ass I couldn't help but stare.  Intruding into my thoughts she spoke,"I took the liberty of getting your car towed off to my homeboys garage like I promised you. He said you should have your car back to you no later than 2 days." It felt so good hearing my baby would be back in my arms soon. "Mm well thank you that was nice of you. Mom can I borrow your car so I can go home and wash and change?" "Oh Mrs. Wright that's no need I can gladly take your our daughter to her place and get her some clothes to bring back here. If that's okay with you." Tay said standing up to help me rise to my feet. "I don't mind at all and PLEASE call me Debra. I'm no longer a Wright. " Tay nodded her head and help me collect my keys and walked me out the door.

"Your mother seems nice," she said opening the passenger door of her car letting me slide in. This wasn't the same car she hit me with though. "Yes she can be a nice woman she wants to be, plus she's taken a fancy onto you for some reason." Tay chuckles and closes my car door walking around to her side hopping into the driver seat pressing the start button. Oh this car was nice. "This isn't the same car you hit me with is it?" I said as we pulled out my mother's driveway hopping onto the freeway. "No this is not the same car," she frowned and continued speaking "You know it still kills me that I hit you man. You could have gotten hurt I'm so glad you didn't though. I don't know what I would have done if I had hurt you." "it okay Tay I'm alive and well so no harm no foul. " The rest of the ride back to my place was smooth.  We mostly talked about myself and she just sat back and listened. It felt good having someone to talk to without being interrupted by their own story. When we pulled up to the apartment complex I remember I had left the place looking a mess. " I should warn you it may be a bit junky in here because I was almost late to my graduation and I haven't finished unpacking. " "It's nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone gets a little messy now and then. " And she winked at me. What the hell?

Entering into my loft it was surprisingly clean. "I guess Morgan came by and cleaned up. Oh my I see my new furniture came as well!" I was so happy to see all my new furniture sitting in the open floor plan. "I'm glad that your happy with your new place it looks lovely." Tay said as she walked around the large room. "What's back here?" she was pointing to the only hallway in the whole house. "That's where my room, bathroom and guest bath are." I turned on some music and slipped out my mother's heels. She'll get these back eventually. Laughing at myself I started to unzip ny dress and walk to my bedroom. I must have really been needing that shower because I had forgot that Tay walked to my room to check it out. As soon as I hit my door she was there looking at me as if I were a painting. She looked me up and down and stared into my eyes seductively.  I felt goosebumps rising on my arms and shoulders. "I'm sorry I forgot you were back here." I pulled the dress back up and she came closer to me. "Oh please don't be sorry Ana you look beautiful please don't stop." I don't know what happened to my composure it was like it went out the window when she was around.  As if I were under her spell I could do and would do any and everything she asked me to. She slipped me out of my dress and I just stood there like it was an out of body experience for me. No one has ever seen me naked outside of family when I was younger and my bestfriend. She kissed my shoulder where I had goosebumps and I felt myself getting really hot really fast. As she kissed all over the top half of my body I couldn't help but wiggle but I didn't want to move, I was under her spell. She was tempting me and I was ready to learn something new. Something I've never felt before. It felt so right and yet so wrong at the same time. She picked me up and carried me into my bathroom still kissing on my shoulders and collar bone. When she started kissing on my neck I could help but let out a moan. Damn it's like she knows my body so well. Every touch everything she's doing is turning me on! She turned on the shower still holding me and climbed in with all her clothes on and my undergarments to. She titled my chin up to meet her face and she gazed into my eyes. "Anaese you are beyond beautiful,  from the moment I saw you I knew I had to have you in my life by my side. Please give me the chance to show you how a woman is suppose to be treated." I couldn't say anything. My mouth wouldn't move. What the hell Ana say something before she thinks your weird. As soon as I opened my mouth to speak a moan escaped my mouth with a simple sexy response, "Yes." Our lips touched and I fell into her arms of lust and temptation. She was wrapping my mind around her and i was giving in. Damn ain't nothing like temptation.

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