Chapter Sixteen: Changes

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"I do." Clenching her hand and letting a tear run down my face. The look on her face was of pure surprise. She rose to her feet picking me up into her arms hugging me tight. "Oh baby!" "Yeah that's wife right. If she agrees to marry you after you killed a person." Her father said laughing hard walking towards us. Everyone couldn't help but laugh with him. "You've made me the happiest and luckiest woman in the world!" Tay said spinning me around in the air. "Yaaas bitch I'm so happy for you!" Morgan came and gave me a big hug jumping up and down. "You's getting marrieds now!" she said busting out laughing. It was hard not to laugh at Morgan's silly but. We all walked out the warehouse with the sun rising over the hill. Putting my head on Tay's shoulder we stood there smiling as we watched the sun rise.

"Are you hungry baby?" I said standing in the kitchen pulling out bacon and eggs. "Yeah I could go for some food." Tay walked up behind me wrapping her arms around my waist smelling my neck. Giggling I turned around giving her a huge kiss looking into her eyes. "Baby your beautiful you know that right?" I said looking over her entire face in admiration. Blushing she rubbed my face with her hand. "Thank you baby. Now what are you cooking your fiancée for breakfast?" "Some eggs bacon and French toast." "Mmm that sounds good. Have you talked to your mother?" "Yeah I called her this morning she's coming by later on. Said she has some huge news for me." "Well that's great baby." Rubbing my arms up and down She kissed me again before walking back into the living room plopping down on the sofa in front of a bunch of papers and her laptop.

We had just finished breakfast when a knock came from the door. Tay got up and got the door while I took the plates into the kitchen and started cleaning the remaining dishes. "Why hello daughter." In walked my mother glowing what surprised me the most was the fact that my father was behind her and he actually looked good. "Hey mommie! Ugh hey dad." I looked from the two of them and something seemed weird. I hadn't yet told them about me and Tiyuana's engagement. I wanted to tell them in person. "Sit sit Anaese there is much to tell you." my mother said walked over the couch sitting down with my father following behind her. I dried my hands off and grabbed a seat in one of the plush chairs and Tay stood beside me. "Well why not you guys go first." Still studying my mother and father's body language. "Well me and your mother have decided to, renew our wedding vows." My entire jaw dropped and so did Tay's. Anyone that knew my parents would bet money that they would not get back together. Guess we were wrong. "And I'm pregnant Ana." My mother added on grinning.  I literally almost passed out! Why was going on and where was I when this was getting planned.

"Vows? Pregnant? What is with you people?!" I said standing up throwing my hands up. Everyone looked at me in shock including Tay. "Ana what's wrong?" My dad looked at me with concerned eyes. "Mom you hate him. How could you go from

hating him to loving him?!" All she could do was smile at me like a big goof ball. "Baby when you were lying in that hospital bed it was extremely hard on all of us. Your father came and sat with me every chance he got. One night we got tipsy off some wine and one thing lead to another." "You two are like two horny teenagers!" I said rubbing my temples even more. "So what made you renew your vows?" I continued looking at them both."We both realized that our reason for separating was ridiculous. Trying to force someone to be someone to be something that their not." My mother said rubbing my father's knee grinning. "Well this is really great news!" Tay finally spoke up grinning at all of us. Oh no. She was going to tell them the big news. "Indeed it is great news. Let's go out and celebrate tonight. This is yall day!" I said looking at Tay but smiling at my parents. In some weird way I was glad that my parents were getting back together because I hated seeing my mom date other guys. Especially since the Derrick situation happened. Just thinking about Derrick made my skin crawl. "That sounds lovely sweetie." My mother stood up grinning and giving me a huge hug and kiss. "Thank you baby for being so supportive of us." "We will see you and the family at Penzo's tonight." My father said smiling giving both me and Tay hugs. Hugging my father always felt weird to me but today for some reason it felt like home. Penzo's? Expensive. Walking my parents out to their car I watch them walk to a car that I hadn't seen either drive before. "Who's car?" I yelled out to them. "Ours." My father replied climbing in and shortly taking off out of the complex. New car. New vows. New baby?

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