Chapter One: Eric

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“Graduation is going to be epic Ana.” said Morgan, my best friend since middle school. We were sitting in the café enjoying a nice lunch from Panera Bread. “If you say so, what do you have planned after the ceremony?” I took a bite of my beget and replied to a text from my aunt. “I’m not sure. I know more than likely my parents will want to take me out to eat or something, that’s always a given. What about you what are you going to do?” “I’ll more than likely spend that day packing up my old apartment and get ready to move into my loft.” We cleared our tables and got refills in both our cups and proceeded to the front doors. “I’m so proud of you for getting a loft girl this is going to epic!” Morgan was always a enthusiastic person when it came to just about everything. She believes that you can never have a bad day. Even when she was having a bad day, somehow she would make it turn into a great one. Sometimes it would be a good thing, but other times it was plain annoying. I know this might not make sense, but Jesus sometimes its okay to be a bit ticked off and unpleasant.This time she was right about me moving into a loft. It was going to be an epic event. I spent all four of my years of college studying and working. I really didn’t go out with my friends like that. So I moved off campus into an apartment so I would be able to resist temptation for the hoopla more easily. As me and Morgan walked back to her apartment we bumped into two guys that both me and Morgan knew very well. Chris and Eric Bennett. Also known as  two of the Bennett Quadruplets. “Well well look what the cat drug out of the darkness.” Chris said as he circled around pulling on my hair. I swatted his hand away from me. “Ugh why must he be soo annoying to me?!” It was as if Morgan was reading my mind because she spoke up, “Chris stop being sucha fucking dosche bag jeez. We graduated in one more day and your still acting like your still a freshmen in high school!” “Im sorry about him Ana are you okay?” Eric said. Gosh this boy was gorgeous. I know its crazy how out of all the Quads I only like Eric, but hey it makes sense to me. Just because they all look identical doesn’t mean I can’t tell them apart. Eric is just so sweet and intelligent. I smiled up at him and slid a piece of my long auburn curly hair behind my ear. “Yeah I’m okay.” “Are you ready for graduation Ana?” Eric said. “Yes its practically here now if I wasn’t ready its to late to turn around now haha.” Me and Eric continued down the pathway to head in the direction of our place talking about this past semester and how hard it was. It felt good talking to Eric. Just wish that sometimes I could talk to him about more than just school. “I’ve known you since high school Ana and I still don’t even have your cell phone, or even an email address for that matter.” I giggled at the thought of me and Eric going back and forth emailing each other. “Is this your way of asking for my number?” “More than likely it is.” He flashed me his pearly whites and I immediately started to blush. After exchanging phone numbers me and Morgan ran across the street finishing our short walk to the apartment and giggling like a bunch of school girls.

“This is going to be the best year ever Morgan I can feel it! What if me and Eric FINALLY start going out?!” “No way in hell!!! I would be uber hype for you Nese that would be awesome.” “Yes awesome indeed.” This is beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

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