Chapter Ten: Love or Lust

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Waking up from a restless night I sat up starring at the bright lights coming through the hospital windows. Today is the day you go home Ana. I smiled to myself and rubbed my fingers through my hair.

"Glad to see you smiling. " Derrick? I hadn't even noticed anyone in the room with me. He sat in the far corner in a all black suit with his legs crossed. Continuing, "I've been waiting for you to wake up." "Why did you do this?!" I said bravely with fire in my eyes. "I thought you loved my mother why would you do this to her?" "This has nothing to do with your mother." He said rising up from the chair. I followed him with my eyes and he chuckled. "Relax little girl I won't hurt you here. I'm only here to warn you. Idk what Tay has planned, but tell her to back off before bodies start dropping. Simple as that." He pulled his sunglasses out his pocket and slid them on exciting the room.

It seemed like seconds later in walked Tay. My eyes were wide with fear and she rushed over to my side looking worried as usual. "What's wrong baby?" She said grabbing my hand rubbing it. "Derrick I just Derrick, he was here." "Here!" She stood up tall running towards the door looking both ways down the hallway. "Fuck! What did he say did he touch you?!" No Tay he didn't touch me. He said he came to warn you to back off, that dead bodies would start dropping if you didn't stop. " She looked at me with kind eyes and started unpacking a bag that I just noticed she had brought in with her. She pulled out my favorite maxi dress and flat sandals. She also had my favorite bath soap Dove. Morgan must have helped her pack this bag. "Come on baby let's get dressed and get out of here." She picked me up out the bed and carried me into the bathroom. Grabbing on the string of my hospital gown she gave it a light tug. The back of the gown opened exposing all of my backside. Taking her fingers she slide the gown off my body slowly. When the gown gathered at the bottom of the floor I stepped out of it and she turn on the shower. She kissed my shoulder where it sent shivers up my spine. I moaned in appreciation of her touch and she brought her face to meet mines.

"Wait bae I haven't brushed my teeth in line a week, my breath probably stinks really bad."

"I don't give a damn baby I'll love your morning breath, sickness breath all that breath because your my baby. " Grinning at her like i was a idiot i welcome her lips to mine kissing her softly. I felt as if it was a miracle seeing her again, being in her arms. I kissed her with all the passion I had to give. She pulled away and grinned. "Come on baby let's get you washed up and dressed. I'll wait out here." I nodded taking my soap and wash cloth from her easing into the shower.

Letting the hot water hit my back I took in a deep breath. I knew that Tay cared deeply for me. We were just in a really fucked up situation.  I still couldn't believe the job she had that payed for everything was professionally killing people! Humming to myself as I washed the yucky smell of the hospital off me I kept seeing Derrick's evil grin in my head. I couldn't shake that site. Stepping out the shower i began to get dressed. Sliding the dress over my head and slipping into my slides. I brushed my teeth and double checked myself before walking out the bathroom. When i came out Tay looked right up at me and i could literally feel all the love she had for me without even saying it. "You look beautiful Anaese. You always look beautiful. I'm so sorry I got you mixed up into this mess with me, this lifestyle. It's not the kind of lifestyle for you. I wish I could go back in time and take this pain away from you." Looking into her eyes I wrapped my arms around her neck smiling. "it's okay baby, this to shall pass." I kissed her on her forehead and get grabbed my belongs bag as we left the hospital.

Seeing sunlight for the first time in a week felt amazing. I wanted to touch and feel everything around me. "Wait here baby let me pull the car around." I couldn't really object because this woman was hard headed so I just nodded my head and stood holding my discharge papers. Watching her walk away I couldn't help but admire her beauty. From the way her long locs swung with every step she took, to the way she walked. I think I was in love with this woman. Love or Lust Ana? Deep into my thoughts I hadn't noticed a Plum purple car with a big red bow on the hood pull up to the hospital entrance. My car! I began jumping up and down with joy. "Oh my god my car Tiyuana my car!" I ran over and walked around the car admiring the new paint job and the new door. She got out the drivers seat and ushered for me to get in. "You want me to drive?" She nodded her head grinning walking over the passenger side getting in. "Well babe I told you I would get your car fixed.  She's been ready but all this bs went down so she sat in Bryant's garage a little longer." I couldn't stop smiling as I rubbed my fingers along the new steering wheel cover she had given me. "There's tint? You put tint on my windows? Aw baby!" I reached over giving her a big hug and kiss. "Your welcome baby anything for you. Now let's go to your mothers house she wanted to be the second person to see you." Putting the car into to drive I took off towards my mother's house. It felt good driving again.

Pulling onto my mother's street I saw cars parked on both sides of the street. "Baby what's going on?" I said looking at all the cars as I drove past them. "I don't know." She said smiling and looking out the window. When I drove up to my mom's house I saw a huge banner stretched out over the house saying:


I couldn't contain the huge grin on my face as I parked my car next to my mother's.  Getting out I noticed my dad's car here as well. Even though I didn't care for him because he didn't want to do anything with his college degrees, it did make me feel better knowing he was here. Walking up the steps I could hear people talking on the other side of the door. Tay reached for the door opening and everyone yelled out, "SURPRISE!" My smile got even bigger seeing all of my friends and family looking over joked to see me in good health and feeling much better.  I couldn't help but grin at everyone. Hugging different friends and family I walked around carrying conversations with different people. I looked over and saw Tay's mother and father sitting by the kitchen I walked over to them. "I just want to thank you all for everything you've done and are doing for your daughter and I." "Oh it's not a problem Ana. Our daughter loves you very much and more than anything I want to see her happy. You make her happy. She's all she talks to us about so I know you've touched her in a very special place. A place me and my wife thought never existed in our daughter." Her father said smoothly. How could a man be so smooth with words? I see where Tay got her game from and I see why Mrs.Jackson holds her man down. Smiling at them both I gave them hugs and proceeded to find my mother. "Mom I've missed you so much!" Reaching out to hold her the tears begun rolling down my face. "I thought I'd never see you again." "Oh baby as long as there is breath in my body, you will see me." I could feel my mother crying as well when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Dad. Reaching out for a hug to his surprise he gave me a big hug holding me tightly. "I'm so glad your okay Anaese." He whispered in my ear. As the celebration continued it got late into the evening. I was having a blast but I was ready to get home undress and finish where me and Tay left off if you know what I mean haha. Looking over at Tay I winked and motioned for her to come here. This woman knew how to turn me on without even touching me because they was she walked over to me had me HOT! "Let's go home."she looked at me and i started grinning seductively. She caught the hint and grabbed my hand leading me out the door. Oh who was getting fucked tonight?! Me haha.

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