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Kimi looked at Jaehyun, he was like a painting for describing the pain.

Broken, distraught, sad and nervous. Just like how Taeyong was but ten times worse. How can he be that young beautiful painter man that Taeyong was always talking about?

How much looking at those bloodshot eyes was hard. They could make you cry.

How much does he love Taeyong to be this ruined because of losing him?

The girl bit her lip, clutching her coat.

"I can tell you where Taeyong is"

All of them were in shock by what Kimi said.

Jaehyun got up from his seat, standing in front of the girl.


"You're Jung Jaehyun, Taeyong's boyfriend right?"

Jaehyun could hardly understand what he was hearing, he couldn't even feel his existence, as if it's just a foolish dream.

"You know Taeyong?!"

Kimi nodded. "He's my friend, we live together"

The man didn't know how to react. Suddenly he holded Kimi's arms tightly panicking the girl.

"Please, tell me! Tell me where he is! P-please!"

Kimi was shocked she didn't know how to answer. Kun got up from his seat, pulling back Jaehyun.

"Calm down Jaehyun! You're scaring her"

Jaehyun lowered his head. Looking at the floor.

"S-sorry, i over reacted. Now please tell me! Where is Taeyong?"

Kimi bit her lip again, this poor man got no idea where in the world Taeyong is and what he's forced to do. She didn't know how to tell him. Plus she was knida ashamed to tell those boys what kind of place both of them are living.

But this is not about herself, it's about Taeyong. She'll do anything to save him.

"Well it's kinda irritating to say, uhm..."

Jaehyun was waiting, the way that Kimi was acting was making him nervous.

Ten looked at Kimi kindly, trying to make her feel comfortable.

"It's alright, just relax and tell us"

The girl looked at Ten, he seemed comforting and kind making her feel a bit heart warmed. Then she looked at Kun, he was smiling softly at her. That warm look was making her feel safe.

Kimi took a deep breathe. "Well, Taeyong's father Lee Taekyu is secretly the owner of a huge bar in the suburb. W-well that bar is kinda...it's embarrassing to say. B-both me and Taeyong are working in there"

She said it, confessing that both of them are selling there bodies in that goddamn bar. Kimi may not give a damn about what people think about her after knowing her job. But she couldn't look at Jaehyun.

How would he feel? Knowing that his lover is forced to sleep with different men every night? When no one helped him.

Kimi didn't heard anything, not a single word as an answer from Jaehyun.

She raised her head slowly.

Soon by seeing Jaehyun a pain was clutching her chest. He didn't have any reaction but that emotionless face with those opaque eyes were enough.

"Uhm i-"

"H-he lives in there?"

Kimi lowered her head, nodding hesitantly.

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