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Taeyong's heart was beating crazy, he could feel his body starting to shake, a color of fear was flowing from up on his head till down his feet making his knees loose.

All he could do was staring at the tall broad shoulder man with a black suit in front of him with trepidation.


The man was still silent without showing any reactions.

Not saying a single word, with that blank emotionless face, but those bloodshot eyes of him was enough to make Taeyong terrified.

He started to step forward slowly, Taeyong couldn't do anything. He should've stop him, not let him in the house and shut the door on him.

But all the poor boy could do was stepping back coordinate with his father.

By touching the wall with his back, both Taeyong and his father stopped. He was one step afar with the boy. Taeyong could hear his shaky scratched breathing, the smell of alcohol was burning his lungs.

Even that silence was torturing Taeyong to death. That man was just making the boy to wait for a hard punch.

"Dad, plea-"

Taeyong's words were incomplete by his father's sudden attack, his big and rough hand was around Taeyong's neck. Squeezing it so hard as if he had an enmity of twenty years.

Taeyong couldn't breath, being in that situation for him was more painful than a normal person. His head was aching and he could feel his bones shaking, he could feel the bitter blood stucked in his throat, all the poor boy could do was clutching his father's arm helplessly.

"So here's where the f*ck you were all this time huh?"

That deep scratched voice was aching in his head, but Taeyong couldn't even hear what he was saying. That horrible pain and fear just made Taeyong to kick that man between his legs.

It wasn't really hard but was enough for him to let go of Taeyong.

He shouted out of pain while Taeyong was on the floor coughing so hard while throwing up blood.

Taeyong started to walk on his shaky knees and hands, still coughing. He had to runaway.

But it wasn't really succesfully. His father walked towards him angrily, grapping Taeyong's hair and lifting his body by them.

"You f*king slut!"

The red blood was dripping from his chin, Taeyong was still coughing. Tears shining in his eyes.

"D-dad please...i beg you! Let me g-"

Once again his words were incomplete by getting a hard punch from that man on his cheek. He kicked Taeyong's belly many times and the poor boy couldn't even shout.

Now his shaky weak body was thrown on the floor. Tears rolling down from his tired eyes, Taeyong couldn't see anything clearly, he couldn't even feel any pain because of the amount of terror he was feeling.

His father grabbed his hair again.

"Now you got a boyfriend?"

He slammed Taeyong's head on the floor.

"Or you're just selling your body to him?"

Taeyong couldn't even answer, his father started to laugh hysterically.

"Oh ofcourse you do! You can never fall in love! A slut like you is just a toy for people to satisfy their desires! What the f*k you think?! Think he loves you?! Ofcourse not that's bullsh*t!"

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