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Dark in the night only the light of livingroom was shining, unlike most of the times now Taeyong's loud laugh was filling the whole house.

Jaehyun rolled his eyes."don't laugh"

Meanwhile Taeyong was about to pass out from laughing too much, trying hardly to talk while laughing.


Taeyong burst out of laughter looking at Jaehyun's childhood pictures and videos in the television.

The boy played the paused video for the thousandth time.

Jaehyun was so little, back then he had black hair which it's style was like a coconut to Taeyong, wearing a grey t-shirt and looking done with his poker face at nowhere. He was practicing english.

-i jUst...WaNt sOme...miLK

His vibrant feminine voice was enough for Taeyong to laugh so hard again.

"Omg! This is hilarious! I'm gonna send it to my phone"

Taeyong played it again while laughing.

Jaehyun sighed."It's like the thousandth time that you're watching it, what's so funny about it?"

"What you mean?! You're a living meme oh my god"

It took a hard time for the poor man to content Taeyong to give up on that video, now they were watching the pictures randomly.

Taeyong couldn't find any picture of Jaehyun's parents, all of them were after he left his house. It was kinda sad, Jaehyun didn't have any single memory from them.

After passing some pictures Taeyong could see a picture of a framed painting hanged on a wall. The painting was exactly like Jaehyun's works.

"Is this your painting?"


Jaehyun's voice was suddenly so low.

"But why i didn't see it in your works?"

"Cause it's not with me, it's...still in that house"

Taeyong guessed that Jaehyun was talking about his step father's house. He looked at the picture. A portrait of a woman, it was strange for Taeyong cause all of the paintings that Jaehyun drew are so colorful and full of joy, even the sadness.

But that portrait was painfully cold and sad, a portrait of an extremely beautiful woman.

Taeyong could see how much that woman's face was like Jaehyun. They had a lot of similarities.

A tired and depressed face with a cold blue painted skin and straight black hair, half of her face was covered with black roses meanwhile an indigo tear drop was rolling down on her right cheek.

No signs of smiling were on those pretty black lips, they were like Jaehyun's.

A lot of black and blue flowers were on her skinny body, Taeyong knew that Jaehyun is always drawing the flowers as wounds and bruises.

That portrait could make anyone sad before passing a second.

But something was really strange and surprising. Her tired thin almoned eye and a lot of parts of her skin were in a color that Taeyong didn't expect it.


Jaehyun noticed Taeyong's long staring. He sighed.

"She's my mom"

Taeyong looked at Jaehyun, of course he guessed that but he was kinda afraid to say it.

Taeyong smiled. "She's beautiful"

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