Mission Accepted

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  • Dedicated to Megan Guthrie

The Slayer's Entry  


The guy was freakishly old. Immortal? His nose was crooked, from what experience told me it had probably been broken a couple of times. His long silver hair was as long as I could see and it met a white beard at his chin.  

'Miss Summers, I believe. Buffy Summers.' His voice was deep but strong. He gazed at me with blinding blue eyes through his half-moon glasses.  

'Yeah, that's me,' I said, slightly intimidated by him.  

'And you're a slayer. Apologies - you must have done this a lot, but would you give me a small recap on what you're job is?'  

I paused for a moment deciding on what to say. I wanted to sound impressive.  

'Well, you know about vampires. It's my job to slay them.' Crap, that sounded lamer than it did in my head!  

'And do you slay anything else?' He asked, although I was sure he already knew the answer.  

'Anything with more limbs than it should have.' He chuckled and then his face turned terribly grave. Bipolar much.  

'And you know why you're here?' His eyes seemed to darken as he spoke the words.  

'To slay some demon.'

' "Demon" would be a good way to describe him. I am unsure as to how much human is left in him. But he is a dark wizard. Perhaps the darkest that has ever lived and ever will live. But he can be defeated.'  

'And you need me to defeat him?' I was beginning to think this was just a joke.  

'Well, I don't believe violence would do much good against him. Even if you managed to get close enough to attack him, it wouldn't do much harm.' He cannot die, you see.'  

'So what do you need me for?'  

'Harry is the only hope we have. Harry Potter that is. He is known all over the Wizarding World. He has all the protection I can give him and I dare say that that is unbreakable. But Harry needs a leader, and in my old age I will not always be there to guide him. You are young, strong, brave and a great leader. Or so I am told. I ask that you stay by his side as much as possible. Share with him your knowledge on battle, he will be needing it. I will watch over both of you to see how you are coping. I am in contact with Mr Giles, he will also be wanting to hear about you.  

I trust you. I trust that you can protect him, not only physically but mentally. He needs your love and I believe you have plenty to share.'  

'What's in it for me?' I asked, not completely joking. This old man seemed powerful enough to protect this boy, hands free.  

'A shiny nickel.' He chuckled again. 'No. You have worked hard for so many years now. I think you need a break. The Ministry of Magic have agreed to slay vampires for you in the meantime. While me and Mr Giles are discussing magical means to perhaps close the Sunnydale Hellmouth for good.'  

'Well that would be a blast.' I was impressed.  

'As you stay at Hogwarts, you may encounter some students who will look upon you differently. See, some wizards see non-magical beings as lower beings-'  

'I'm sure I can handle the big bad bullies.'  

'I agree, Buffy.' Hearing him speak my name seemed oddly comforting.  

'Now you'll need some sleep. I've called a ghost to lead you to Gryffindor Tower, where you'll find a bed waiting for you. Ah, here he is. Pip pip.'  

I turned to see a transparent white figure gliding towards us.  

'Nearly Headless Nick at you service, Ma'am.'  

'Nearly headless? How can you be nearly headless?'  

I then wished I hadn't asked. It was almost impossible to hold down the barf.


Thanks for reading, there are some plotholes but I really wanted to put these to things together as they are both totally awesome, I upload everyday if I can, remember to vote or become a fan!!!

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