*One: When They Find You*

Start from the beginning

(S/n) bit pulled away and bit her lip, giggling. Jeff scowled. There was only supposed to be one person here, not two. Slenderman had given him orders to kill (S/n), but now he would also have to get rid of (B/n). Jeff wasn't bothered by the extra work. If anything, he was excited about it.

"Can we please go to the other room?" your sister asked. "I don't want to do this in front of the baby."

"Okay, fine," (B/n) replied. He got up, dragging (S/n) with him. "The baby is okay, but I don't want to have to come in here and check on them every few minutes!"

"I guess you're right. We can continue here. Let's move up to the bed, though."

(B/n) smirked and pushed (S/n) onto the bed. She watched him intently, never moving her eyes away from him. Jeff stood in the doorway as they began undressing. His scowl deepened. Yes, he was a killer, but at least he had the decency not to fuck in front of a baby.

"I don't know," your sister said. She sat up and looked at your crib. "Something doesn't feel right."

You laid in your crib, not yet asleep, but pretending to be. Three pairs of eyes gazed at you, and you could sense a change in atmosphere. You groaned and flopped around. (B/n) rolled his eyes.

"Oh, forget about them!" (B/n) exclaimed. He pushed (S/n) back down onto the bed, a guttural growl leaving his throat. "There won't be a problem as long as you keep quiet."

"Get off of me," (S/n) screeched. She dug her nails into (B/n), desperately trying to get him off. "Get off!"

"Calm down," (B/n) said with a smirk. "You'll enjoy this."

Jeff growled and looked at you. From the positioning of your crib, he was able to see your tear-stained face. You meek (e/c) eyes glimmered with hot tears.

Jeff unsheathed his knife and took charge. He darted out from behind the door and towards the teens. (B/n) would be his first target, then (S/n) was next. The teens were nothing more than bloody, lifeless husks once Jeff had finished. He pulled out a crimson-stained cloth and wiped the blade clean.

"How could someone treat a child like that," he grumbled. "And how did she land herself with such a shitty boyfriend?"

You sniffled and looked at Jeff. The killer stared down at you. You hadn't made a single noise at the gore-filled scene before you. Your (e/c) eyes hungrily drank in the beautiful carmine spilled everywhere. Jeff thought for a moment: what if he took you? Slenderman might skin him alive. But the longing look in your eyes was enough to convince him in a heartbeat.

Jeff trodded around and snatched anything baby-related he could find. He stuffed it all in a sleek black bag. The man took you in his arms, swaddling you in a (f/c) blanket. The night was cold, so he held you very close on the trek back to the mansion.


Eyeless Jack:

Jack studied the scene laid out before him. An angry man was holding a crying baby. A feral growl ripped from the man's throat as he looked down at you, contempt shining in his dull eyes. He raised your frail body above his alcohol-driven head. It looked like he planned on hurling you at the ground, an action that would surely kill you.

Jack saw this action and leaped from the shadows. His scalpel was out and hungry for blood. Jack snuck behind the man and held the blade to his throat. Beads of blood licked at the edges of a shallow mark. The man grunted in surprise and struggled to get out of Jack's grip, surprisingly not breaking free despite the massive size difference.

"Put the child down," Jack commanded. He waited for the man to comply, but the action never took place. Jack snarled and forced the scalpel harder. "I said, set the child down."

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