"It's not what you think--"

"Not what I think?!" Genji roared, losing composure and throwing the nearest chair straight towards the other. "You were protecting him, hiding him from the authorities. You are one in the same--traitors to your cause."

"I was gathering intel." McCree replied sternly before deciding to put the gun down. "Thanks to him, we tracked down most of yer clan's associates--and I got a raise."

"Look me in the eye and tell me that you will surrender that murderer to where he belongs," Genji challenged. "As you said we have caught most if not all of the dealers involved in the syndicate that used to be my clan. What use is he still to you?"

"I don't answer to you."

"Perhaps not...but you will answer to the law."

"You'll really let your ego have its way, even if it means puttin' your friend in danger?"

"(Y/N) does not know what she is getting into-"

"She broke into Talon's base alone to save your brother with nothin' but a gun that would have broken her wrist if she didn't know how to manage it properly" Jesse began, not fidgeting an inch even as Genji slammed that same fist into one of the foldable tables to signify the start of their little vendetta. "She literally had to pretend she was dead just so the imperial family will leave Hanzo in peace as she set out lookin' for 'im," he continued. "She had to give everythin' up, put her self in danger time and time again, hurt herself over an' over again just to keep Hanzo from harm. And you tell me shit like this is just some phase she's goin' through?"

Genji was clearly taken aback not only by the emboldened cowboy, but also by the information he has slipped through; he had absolutely no idea. However the Shimada still shook his head in denial, stubborn and determined to be loyal to his self-made cause and see it through til the end. "Hanzo has to pay for his misdeeds--what he did can not go unpunished.."

"An' who are you to impose that punishment, partner?" Jesse scrutinized. "You were so willin' to end Hanzo in cold blood, to kill him as though he didn't deserve any second chances."

"Taking the life of another is a vile crime--those that commit it should not have a chance at reparation! That evil is embedded in their soul, and they will carry out that evil if they are given freedom: Which is why Hanzo must be surrendered here!"

"Your brother must like me then: I'm still breathin'. Also pick a script and stick to it: You can't just cry out to the moon that he has to be surrendered when you were the creep that came into my apartment just to smother him to death in his sleep. This is personal for you, which makes you just as unreliable in the eyes of justice as I am."

"You dare sermon me?" Genji sped towards Jesse and again shoved him back with a vice grip to the other's collar. "Who do you think you are?"

"Git yer hands off me," Jesse cautioned dourly as he too returned the favor with a hard swipe that knocked the cyborg's tight fist off his person. "I help who I want to--now if you are so much better than your brother as you say you are, have a heart and don't make the situation anymore complicated for (Y/N)."

"Do you really believe you can keep me from telling the commander?"

"No. But (Y/N) sure did; now I'd say her trust was misplaced, but who am I to judge, right?" 

There was no further commentary after that, but the agitation that rose in the two men's beings seeped out into the atmosphere that surrounded them, choking them to the point that McCree had no other choice but to leave as soon as possible.

"Well since you're gonna rat them out," the cowboy began as he walked towards the exit, "I'm just gonna go ahead and tell 'em they better commence the weddin' as soon as possible. (Y/N) is probably engaged now, but who knows? She might find herself saying her vows inside of a prison cell--you can be there to catch the bouquet even."

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