Bella pulled outside of a small house. They quickly got out of the car and walked to the house. The door was already open and a boy with long black hair was standing. "Hello Jacob," Bella greeted the boy.

"Hello," the boy said and then turned to Ashley. He reached his hand out. "Hello, I am Jacob Black," he introduced himself.

Ashley grabbed his hand. "Ashley," she replied.

They went inside to the living room. There was a man in a wheelchair. "This is my dad, Billy, he knows much more about than I do, so I figured he could help," Jacob said.

"Hello, girls," Billy smiled. "I'd be happy to help however there's much to discuss and it can't be on an empty stomach, would you guys like to get out to get some food?"

Half an hour later they were on a diner. On the way, they told them about their project. Billy seemed happy by the project, getting the youngsters onto their history.

"I think it's a wonderful idea," Billy had said. Seeing the response from Ashley actually made her more encouraged towards the project.

After they ordered Billy started to tell them about their history. The legends of their tribe, as he called them. It started from how they were first formed onto now, mentioning some chief named Taka Aki. Ashley was interested in that person. He was a warrior. A soul-warrior as Billy put it.

"Wow, these are some interesting stuff," Ashley said as Billy finished.

Jacob put his hand on his father's shoulder, "Well, they are just legends, they're not real," he said with a smile on his lips. Billy gave him a small glare but Ashley caught it.

However before she could act on it, they heard the door opening with a loud bell. Jacob sighed loudly. "Oh great," he mumbled to the people who came in.

Three guys walked in with small shorts and short-sleeved shirts. "Wow, aren't they cold, dressed like that?" Ashley asked to the table. They were in Washington for god's sake and it was cold as hell.

One of the guys saw them and started walking towards them. The others followed him. "Billy," the guy spoke.

"Sam," Billy answered.

However, Ashley was looking at the guy standing to Sam's right. His eyes were fixed on her, and it made her uncomfortable. Sam realized Ashley staring at them and when he turned he saw the guy.

"Paul," he said but the guy, Paul, didn't stop. "See you later, Billy," Sam quickly said and grabbed Paul's arm, walking outside.

Ashley turned to the table, "Well, that was awkward," she said.

Jacob laughed. "Yeah, well, you have no idea," he said. "I know the guys, Paul and Jared, we used to be friends. Until they changed," he said.

Bella furrowed her brows. "What do you mean, changed?" She asked Jacob.

Jacob shrugged. "They were normal. Then one day Sam disappeared, he came back after a few weeks and acted strange. Soon Paul and Jared were the same, they cut their hair, started hanging around him like lost puppies. People think they're in a cult,"

Billy frowned at him. "Don't say things like that about your brothers," he said to his son.

Jacob rolled his eyes. "They're not my brothers, Dad, as you keep claiming them to be," he replied.

Billy gently flicked his son's head. "We are of the same tribe, same blood, they're your brothers,"

Bella leaned over to Ashley. "I think it's time we leave, " she whispered to Ashley. She nodded. "Wait," Bella said when Ashley motioned to leave. "We still have to get some photos," she said reluctantly.

Loving You / Paul Lahote -  [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now