16 - [EDITED]

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After the whole 'ditching school' thing, just like Ashley predicted, she was kind of grounded. She'd ride to school with her parents and they'd get her from her last class and accompany her to the house.

She'd broken the trust so now, they didn't trust her to leave on her. Which meant that she couldn't see Paul or the pack. 

It had been two weeks. Paul and she would talk on the phone occasionally when he wasn't at patrol or doing anything and they'd text. At least they had a way of communication.

Meanwhile, Bella was at La Push frequently. She and Edward had some kind of a deal since the pack wouldn't hurt Bella and with the condition that Bella keeps her phone with her anytime she was there Edward let her go there.

That week Ashley and Bella got paired up for another class project and they got to talking. "It's really killing me, they're acting like I'm a five-year-old," Ashley huffed and Bella faintly chuckled. 

"I can relate, kind of. When I went to Italy my dad was pissed,"

Ashley gave her a sympathetic look. Her mother was right, Bella was really brave enough to go there, to Volturi. 

"What about me?" Bella asked. 

Ashley furrowed her eyebrows. "What about you?" she asked back. 

Bella shrugged, "Would your family be okay with you hanging out with me? My house isn't really that far away and we can hang out in Forks or we can go see a movie," 

Bella felt really close to Ashley. They were the same age and she was the only one who knew the Cullen's secret besides her. Plus it was really easy to talk to her. 

Also, she didn't hold a grudge against the wolves like the rest of her family so she could talk about Jake and other stuff. And she felt bad for Ashley.

"I'll have to ask about that, but I think there may be some hope after all," Ashley replied.

Surprisingly her parents didn't argue with Ashley. Emmett already liked Bella. Plus they'd be hanging out in Forks which meant if something went wrong they could go without any problems.

 And just because she was kind of grounded didn't mean she shouldn't get to live her teenage years like some kind of a prisoner. They wanted Ashley to have a normal life, as normal as it could get anyway.

So, after informing Bella about the good news the girls agreed on meeting that Saturday at Bella's house. Ashley was over the moon, to say the least. 

It was certain that Bella would be the newest addition to the family and she wanted to have a good relationship with her.

Other than that, Ashley had one more thing to worry about. University. There were many good schools for architecture in the United States, or in the world, however, unfortunately, none of them were close to Forks. The closest was the University of Washington which was in Seattle.

Bella and Edward were bickering about their applications. Ashley didn't know if Edward really wanted to go to university. But she knew for a fact that he wanted Bella to go to one. 

Ashley wanted to go but now her plans had changed. Too much of her life changed. She had Paul. And the future was uncertain at the moment. She didn't know where her family would move next or even let her go.

With her application in her hand, Ashley made her way to the cafeteria. After they came back Bella and Edward sat with Bella's friends. Alice and Jasper often joined them. 

Ashley made her way to her parents' table. She was working on her applications. Her parents looked over at them.

"Why are they all in Washington?" Rosalie asked her daughter. 

Loving You / Paul Lahote -  [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now