21 - [EDITED]

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One and a half days later from the party and the graduation, the Cullens were inside the forest. Edward was driving both Bella and Ashley there since both girls didn't want to be left out from it, and god knew if things went sideways they were the only moderators.

After getting out of the car Ashley walked toward her parents, standing together next to Jasper and Alice. "Hey kiddo," Emmett greeted her. 

She smiled and stood between them. Before she could reply everyone turned around to face the trees.

Eight wolves emerged from the woods and stopped a couple of meters away from the vampires.

Edward turned to Carlisle. "They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms," he said. 

Carlisle kept looking at them. "They came. That's what matters. Will you translate?" he asked as he stepped forward to the middle of the group.

While a light brown wolf got down and closer to Bella, the similar silvery one took a step toward Ashley and her parents. She knew that it was probably for precaution since she was standing between five vampires, so she smiled at the wolf.

"Welcome," Carlisle started, "Jasper has experience with newborns, he'll teach us how to defeat them," he said, gesturing to Jasper who had taken a step forward.

The black wolf, which Ashley learned was Sam from Paul, lightly growled. "They want to know how the newborns differ from us," Edward said. 

"They're a great deal stronger than us because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life," Carlisle explained then tilted his head at Jasper to take over.

Jasper nodded and took a step forward. "Carlisle's right, that's why they are created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army, but no human army could stand against them," 

Just by his tone, Ashley could get how much even talking about this brought her uncle back, to the being he hated and fought so hard to move on from, her heart ached for her uncle.

"Now, the two most important things to remember are, first, never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. And second, never go for the obvious kill, they'll be expecting that, and you will lose," Jasper explained then turned around walking to a clearing as he called for Emmett.

Ashley walked toward Bella, everyone but them would soon get involved and she wanted to be by her friend. They both gave each other a small smile as they continued watching Jasper and Emmett.

"Don't hold back," Jasper commented. 

"Not in my nature," Emmett smirked. Ashley rolled her eyes at her father's remark, even in training he was still his playful self.

The training continued for a while. Jasper took down Emmett, Carlisle took down Edward. As everyone fought, Jasper was giving them tips. The wolves were watching closely. Rosalie almost got Jasper but he was more experienced and she glared at her brother as she walked away.

When it felt like the fights were getting to an end and Ashley spotted Jacob walking towards them, she walked away from Bella, wanting to leave the two of them alone. Fortunately, a big silver wolf got in her way and stopped her.

"Hey, you," Ashley mumbled as she smiled and put one of her hands to the wolf's head, petting it. The wolf lightly grunted. 

Then another low growl came behind them. When they turned back Ashley realized it was Jared.

"Ooh, look who decided to greet me," Ashley chuckled and the wolves made a sound that almost sounded like laughter.

Ashley could feel the looks her family was giving to her, being comfortable around the wolves, joking around with them, but she didn't mind, she knew she was safe.

Loving You / Paul Lahote -  [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now