20 - [EDITED]

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After the whole thing, the days went by quickly. The graduation was upon them.

Before the day of Graduation and the after-party that Alice was putting up for the girls since she wanted it to be a surprise for Ashley and Bella, she sent them over to the Swan house to spend the night there.

Up until the point where they fell asleep they talked or gossiped about various events.

Bella told Ashley about how it all happened with Jacob, all the things he said. Ashley teased her and said that her theory was proven right. Bella had rolled her eyes and jokingly hit her. Then she told Ashley about the conversation she had with her mother.

Ashley nodded. "I'm surprised she told you, it's a hard time for her to get back to, considering everything she went through," Ashley said. 

Bella bit her lip. "I get it, I'm surprised too but it really helped me put things into perspective, why she acts the way she does, it makes sense," 

Then, she gave Ashley a reluctant look. "Although I think she did get her wishes when she had you, I mean, she told me her dream was to sit in a front porch with Emmett by her side, both gray-haired and their grandchildren running around, even though she won't get old and get grey hair I think the rest of her dream can come true," 

Ashley sighed. "I know, believe me, I want her to be happy. I know that the stuff she went through was incredibly hard and she wants me to have the best life, especially because she couldn't but also because she's my mom. I know we're not really related but she's my mom, you know? She cared for me for all those years, loved me. She really is my mother and in exchange for all she's done for me, I want to live a full life of happiness, just like she has always wished for me,"

Bella nodded at her friend. "Yeah, I think so, although I think your biggest problem is to find a groom that she won't scare away, or possibly kill," Bella joked and Ashley laughed. 

"Yeah, but I kinda think we got that covered,"

Then the conversation switched over to a subject that was bound to be talked about on a teenage girl's sleepover, boys.

Bella told Ashley about Edward's marriage proposal to her and Ashley lost her mind. "He did WHAT?" she exclaimed and as Bella nodded she couldn't contain her laughter. "Oh my god, I mean, I knew he was an old soul and all that, but marriage? Jesus, you've just turned eighteen Bells," 

Bella nodded. "I know, but he says it's his condition for turning me, he says he wants me to experience most if not all the human experiences a human should go through before I turn," she said. 

Ashley furrowed her eyebrows. "And that is marriage?" she asked. "I mean when you turn you guys will have an eternity to get married, hell, you can do it multiple times, look at my parents or Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasp or my grandparents. My parents renew their vows every twenty-five years and then go on a honeymoon and all that," 

"Really?" Bella asked.

Ashley nodded. "Yeah, I'm glad they do, vampire or not, believe me when I say this, you do not want to be around my parents when they get all romantic and shit," she said and both girls burst into laughter.

Then Ashley asked Bella what the marriage meant and all the 'human experiences' Bella should go through which landed the topic on sex. 

"No, he won't go further than kissing, he says he wants to be married to me when we do it," Bella said.

Ashley took a deep breath. " I don't even care that he's my uncle when I'm saying this, that boy needs to get laid, ASAP, we're living in the 2000s, no one waits for marriage to have sex, they wait for the right time and the right person, being married to someone doesn't automatically make it right," 

Loving You / Paul Lahote -  [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now