24 - [EDITED]

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A couple of hours later Carlisle and Edward walked out of the room. Edward was the first one to cool it down so he went in there to help since he also had medical degrees. 

"We've done all we can, she lost a lot of blood and three of her ribs were severely damaged. It, unfortunately, hit a vein, causing internal bleeding. I've fixed everything. Hopefully, she'll recover. I'm making her sleep so the body can properly heal. We'll know for sure if she wakes up," Carlisle explained briefly.

Paul looked at him in defeat. "If she wakes up?" he managed to make out. 

Carlisle nodded. He was a vampire but the exhaustion and sadness could be read all over his face.  "I've done my best, it's up to Ashley now,"

After that Carlisle ordered everyone to go hunting. They were all tired from the fight and now with Ashley, he needed them to be in control of their thirst. Paul and probably a lot of other humans would show up.

When it was just Carlisle and Paul he excused himself to go up to his room. When alone Carlisle finally broke down. While he was there Sam and Jared showed up with Bella.

Paul filled them in to the best of his abilities and hugged Jared tightly finally letting himself cry. Jared also had tears in his eyes, as he loved Ashley too. 

Everyone did, she was a friend, part of the pack.

Bella was no better either. First Jake now Ashley. And it was all because of her. If the Cullens didn't kill James in the first place, for her, Victoria wouldn't come looking for revenge. None of her friends would get hurt.

The family came back after an hour. Carlisle managed to get up and collect himself, he had to be for the sake of his family. He was checking on Ashley's vitals when everyone came back. Edward immediately went to Bella's aid while Rosalie and Emmett demanded to see her.

After much deliberation Carlisle let them. He didn't want them to see Ashley like that, bruised and connected to the machines but he knew he couldn't stop them any longer.

Rosalie and Emmet walked into the room hand in hand stayed like that until they reached the bed. Both parents sat at different parts of the bed and held one of her hands.

"I can't believe this," Rosalie huffed. "You were supposed to be okay, you were supposed to be safe, baby, how can I live knowing I failed as a mom when you're like this? I'm sorry, we couldn't protect you," 

"You can do this Ashley, you can get through this. You're strong. If there's anyone who can wake up from something like this, it's you, my baby, cmon, you made us promise to come back, you've gotta do the same," Emmett said desperately.

Rosalie took a deep breath. "It's funny, ever since the moment I found you, all I can think about are our memories. Not the future and what might happen but everything we've been through. Our fights, how much I wish you'd be awake and mad at me rather than like this, our talks, gossip, road trips. The night we found you, smelling the insane amount of blood and the car crash, just like today, I can't..." she broke down.

Carlisle burst into the room and tried to get them out. 

"No, no! Carlisle, stop! I won't leave my baby alone!" Rosalie tried to fight. 

Jasper came in to help her. "Rose, she needs to rest to heal, cmon," he pleaded.

Rosalie shook her head. "No! I left her alone before and look at what happened! I won't leave her again," she screamed. 

"Rosalie!" Carlisle raised his voice. 

He grabbed Rosalie by her shoulders and looked into her eyes. "Listen to me, you can visit and talk to her anytime but she needs breaks, we're not sure if she's able to hear us or not but even if she can, she'll still need time to herself to get back up," 

Loving You / Paul Lahote -  [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now