Chapter 27: Together at Last

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After a restless night, morning finally arrives. I reach over for my phone and look at the time. It's pretty early so I decide to make myself something to eat before I go straight to the hospital.

After toasting a bagel and eating it plain, because I'm a psychopath like that, I run upstairs to grab a jacket and my keys. I make my way outside and lock the door.


I should probably look up when the hospital even opens.

I pull out my phone and look up when the hospital that Flake is at opens. It is rather hard to see through all of the cracks as a result of Flake tossing the damn thing at me, but I don't blame him. I fucked up bad, but he already knows how bad I feel. The hospital says that they take visitors now -- having opened two hours before -- so I have nothing to worry about regarding time.

At least that's off my list of worries now...

Well... Now that I think about my worries, what if Flake is awake? What will he do or say? Oh Scheiß -- I'd be coming empty handed too.

Maybe I should get Flake something? I probably shouldn't show up empty handed. Knowing petty little him, he'd hold that over my head forever.

I scramble to find the right key as I jab it into the keyhole of my dirty car. The layer of light-brown dust coating my car slightly embarrassed me a bit. I guess that wasn't the only thing I had been neglecting. I flatten my lips before letting an annoyed sigh out. I open the car door and move the trash off my seat and floor to the back. After waiting for the car to start up, I drive off to the nearest grocery store.

What to get that skinny lovable dork?

As I roam through each aisle, a young adult recognizes me and smiles. Out of politeness, I reciprocate and wave. Something about her demeanor says she isn't planning on bothering me but that she knows who I am and that it is cool. It's always nice to have fans around, but when they know not to bother you but acknowledge you, that's when you know they really care about you as a person.

My stomach grumbles a bit as I walk past the "American food section." A lot of the the things available look like diabetes in a box, but what's to say Flake won't enjoy something from here? I know how much he loves the United States! I reach over and grab a cereal box titled Frosted Flakes. I feel like he would enjoy the name resemblance a bit.

Walking around, cereal box in hand, I notice some balloons available to purchase. Something in me says Flake needs a little laugh so I buy a balloon that reads, "it's a boy!" Right before I finish off my purchase, I reach out and pick out a bouquet of rainbow dyed roses. Colorful little things remind me of the small joys of life. After everything I have done, it's hard to be okay with myself. I hurt the man I said I loved but today will be different and so will the rest of my days. He needs me to support him now more than ever.

I buy the items and leave the market, heading toward my dirty black car. I gently place the items on the passenger seat to the left as I buckle myself in and start the car. I pull out my smashed up phone to map out where the hospital will be from here.

After a twenty minute drive, I arrive to the hospital and walk in, almost immediately requesting to see the love of my life. Of course, that's not how things work so I had to sit my ass down and wait until they finished doing his bloodwork and whatnot. After an hour or so of waiting, I am allowed to visit Flake. The nurse leads me to his room but stops halfway through to give me the rest of the directions instead. She scurries away into the abyss of the hospital.

So there I stand, alone, lost, but mostly confused. These hospitals all have the same thing going on. I try to remember where to go, basing my judgment on my experience from yesterday and from what the nurse just told me. After a while of wandering, I mistakenly walk into an older man's room. He looks over at me and smiles.

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