Chapter 4: Mission Accomplished

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"Okay...gps that for me," commands Paul as he starts up the car. After a long pause of silence, I reply to his demand.

"Okay." I respond as I reach for my phone. I find myself lost in thought once again. Yesterday does not feel real. It's a bit crazy to believe that Till would cause such harm to me.

"We'll be there in around 20 minutes."

"Yeah..." I state, looking out the window.

"You okay, Flake? I know I keep asking. You're just usually not this quiet."

I hesitate before responding with, "Yeah, I'm alright. I'm just a bit worried for Till. He could be anywhere by now."

"With you here, finding Till will not be an issue." I doubt every positive word that came from Paul's mouth. I have no hope in finding Till. We have no method of tracking him down. His phone was our only option, and now that's out of the question since he left it at my house. I'm worried for him. I just want to see him and tell him everything is okay.

"Well, Flake. We're here. I'll go find some parking. You go ask people if they have seen him, okay?"

"Ja, Paul." I dryly respond as I get out of his car.

I walk around the park area in hopes of encountering my friend. I show some people a picture of Till and ask if they have seen him. With my luck, all I encounter are either crazed fan girls or parents who walk the other direction upon glancing at me. The people I do manage to converse with have no clue where Lindemann could be. I give up after 25 minutes of searching. My hopes for finding Till are completely washed away. That last look he gave me hurt me the most. I know he meant no harm by what he did. Sure, it does not excuse his actions. What he did was unimaginable. To think that some twisted strangers do this to others...they don't even know them. I know Till. I know how reckless he is whenever he gets his heart broken.
I look up and find Paul running towards me.

Paul blurts out, panting, "Richard called me. He wants to know where we are." He shoots me a somewhat distressed look, as if he were searching for the proper answer to give.

I look Paul dead in the eyes and interrogate him by asking, "Well, what did you tell him?" He sees my concerned look and lets out a long sigh. My worry begins to grow.

"I told him...we were just hanging out." He raises his hands a bit as he pauses and raises an eyebrow. "Reesh will not understand the truth. He will definitely lose it if he found out Till is gone. " He hesitates for a moment before continuing his little speech.

"We can't let him know. I hate having to lie to the others, but let's just keep it at you needing 'friendly advice' and we have no clue where Till is."

"What about his car? We do not even know where the keys are. It's not like we can move the car someplace else." I remind Paul of our small dilemma.

"Well, if Richard isn't at or by your house, we should be safe. If worse comes to worse, we could say something like he stopped by your house, but we never saw him after he exited." I remain silent. A part of me wants to speak up, but what can be said may hurt Till's reputation.

"Paul, that's lying. You know all lies will eventually lead to the truth."

Like I'm the one that should be talking.

"I know, Flake, but what choice do we have here? Till is GONE! We have no clue where he is...wait. Can't we use his phone to track him down?" I see a growing hope fill Paul as he yanks on the sleeves of my shirt. I am being as emotionless on the exterior as possible. Paul has hope of pinpointing the exact location of Lindemann by the means of using his cellular device. I have little time to come up with an excuse.

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