Chapter 6: Awakening

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It dawns on me that night is quickly approaching. I had spent most of my day sulking over my actions. I debate on whether I should head back and talk to Flake or continue to wait on him. The consequences of going now could be that he is still emotional over the whole situation. Going now could result in an unnecessary fight between us. I know for a fact that I have no energy for such an argument. If anything, he'd be the one giving the insults. I wouldn't want to risk hurting him anymore than I have. Visiting him later is a different situation on its own. He could be more relaxed and willing to have a conversation. The potential problem, though, is that he could lose the motivation to even be friends with me. He could move to the conclusion that I didn't care to approach him earlier. I struggle in my decision making, but deep within, I know the right step that needs to be taken.

I sigh a bit before getting up. I make my way to the countertop; there lays my keys. I snatch them before jogging over to my vehicle. I fling the door open and start the car immediately.

Please be willing to listen.

I close my car door and reverse out of my driveway. Who knows how much time I have. I do my best not to speed on the roads. Sure, I have a destination that I must get to now, but it's not worth a potential crash.

As my car turns left, my heart begins to beat faster. Adrenaline begins to course through my veins as I find a place to park my car. Flake is very difficult to reason with. I only have one chance at fixing this deplorable dilemma.

After finding a place to leave my car, I make sure to lock away and secure my belongings. I slowly approach Flake's house and peek through the rather large windows. There appears to be no sight of him. I perk up at his absence. I continue my way until I make it to the front door. My puny attempts at opening the door fail miserably. I release a small sigh before reaching over to the widows on my left. By some miracle, I manage to push one open. As I struggle going in, my leg collides with a desk. I do my best to free my leg, but nothing seems to work. My legs lose balance, and I hit the floor with a loud thud. The house is as still as ever. No noise could be heard other than the jaring echo I had created.

"Flake?" I call out. No response could be heard. I pull myself up off the floor and begin to search the house. No sign of Flake in the kitchen or his bedroom. Fortunate for me, his house is on the small side which makes my search a whole lot less stressful.

Maybe he's in the bathroom?

I hastily make my way to his bathroom only to be stopped by a locked door. My heart begins to beat a bit faster. "Flake?" ,I say once again. I cup my ears and rest my head on the door. Nothing could be heard from the other side. I find myself panicking more than necessary. I mean...he could be in there. I try to move the doorknob once again, in hopes of maybe discovering it being jammed the first time I tried to enter. Still no luck. I hesitate for a moment before taking any other action.

He must be in there. Why else would it be locked?

I let out a simple grunt before throwing myself at the door. A small click is heard as a result of my action. I gain the needed hope to attempt this once again.

After a few tries, I finally manage to open the door. To my surprise, Flake is lying motionless on the floor.

"Flake! Oh mein Gott. Are you-?" I make my way over to him. My worry begins to grow as I pull him onto my lap. "Flake. Please say something." I hold him closer to my body. His heartbeat is slow and gentle.

Oh, Flake. Please take better care of yourself.

I hoist Lorenz up and take him over to his bed. I refuse to let go. I continue my protective embrace over him, now sitting at the corner of the bed.

Minutes pass and anxiety induced thoughts begin to intoxicate my brain. I cannot help but pull Flake closer to me. This causes his breathing pattern to change. My hope for him to finally wake up begins to escalate. His head lays against my left shoulder, and his hand twitches a bit. I turn to face him, a hint of hope is visible from my facial expression. After a few long seconds, a small sigh escapes his lips. As a result of this simple gesture, I smile widely. No teeth are shown; it's a noticeably large smirk.

"You awake finally?" I gently ask as I smile off into the distance.

"Hmm?" His lack of energy is no surprise to me. The poor man probably tired himself out from too much overwhelming emotions. I glance back at him and see his calm nature quickly change into a state of panic. "Oh...Till?" His voice trembles as he spits out a rapid response. How stupid of me! I should not have approached him like this so suddenly. If anything, I probably drove him further away. "Let me go, please." I frown a bit before looking away.

"Is that what you want?" The mischievous side of me is now evident through my tone of voice. Flake shoots back with a cold expression.


"Are you sure?" His emotionless facial expression transforms into one of those iconic Flake smirks. My heart begins to beat a little faster as I witness the sight of him grinning.

Grinning for me...

"No, not really. With your reckless self being here, I am not too sure." I chuckle a bit at the accuracy of that statement.

"I'm sorry, Flake. I'm an idiot for hurting you. Not just once but twice. You have no reason to accept me with open arms. I really am sorry. You mean more to me than you'll ever understand. I'm an idiot, okay? I shouldn't have been so impulsive and thoughtless. I don't even know why I did the things I did. It's stupid because I told you I don't like being sexualized yet here I am doing sexual things. Flake, I'm sorry. I never meant for you to get hurt in such a way. I'm so sorry." My jumbled thoughts somehow found their way into my apology. I bite the sides of my cheek as I patiently wait for his response.

"Well, you are right about several things. I have no reason to forgive you and yet here we are. I am letting you cradle me like a lost child. And, yes, you are a huge idiot." The both of us giggle at the reality we are both experiencing. "How did things get to be this bad?" His pale eyes focus their attention on my own eyes. I feel my face and ears begin to burn slightly.

"It's because of me. I ruin the only good things in my life."

"So I'm a thing?"

"That's not what I meant, Flake. Don't get all literal with me." The two of us smile at one another. I miss this cheerful side of him.

"What now?" I remain silent before saying anything.

"How about I make it up to you?" His eyebrow slightly raises as he continues his gaze upon me. Flake is very unpredictable. Who knows what he'll say to me.

"Anything?" His response shocks me a bit. Pretty bold but acting rather innocent. I smile at him and nod my head. My smile soon fades away as a wide grin appears on his face.

Oh no...


Originally written: September 9, 2018

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