Chapter 23: The Dreaded Call

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I caused this, didn't I? I hurt him and wasn't there for him! I did this to him. Flake is going to die because of my foolishness.

I continue to sit on the bed a bit longer, still distraught and full of emotional pain. After a while, I stand up and make my way to the car.

I have to make things right somehow.

I continue to look at the Twitter post. I eventually make my way to the comment section. With the help of dedicated fans, I find the hospital Flake is staying at.

I let out a sigh and lower my head a bit more. This miserable feeling is starting to eat away at me. That's not important right now. Flake needs me.


He needs all of us...

I open up my contact list and call Richard first. He has to know and be there. If not for Flake, but for me. I need him there.

*ring ring*

"Hmm? Oh hey Paul! Did you need something?" Richard cheerfully chirps. You can tell by the sound of his voice that he just woke up.

So cute...

"I...I do actually."

"Hm, what is it?" Richard sleepily asks. I can hear his phone shuffle a bit from the other end.

" in the hospital." I vaguely state, hoping Richard won't try to go any further. I'm already still in a daze after finding this out.

"Wait, what? Run that by me again."

" into a car accident and now he's in the hospital." I say. Nothing is exchanged between us for a good amount of time. I bite down on my lower lip as I feel the tears stream down my face and onto the floor.

"Paul," asks Richard after a moment of silence.

"Yes?" I respond, patiently waiting for his reply.

"You're not lying to me, are you?"

"Why would I-? Richard, come on. Flake needs us. This is no time to doubt me. Get ready and make your way to the hospital. I'll send you the address."

The audacity! Why would I even lie about something like this?

"Okay, Landers. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. It happened so fast. I'll be there, okay? I'm sorry, Paul."

"It's okay, Schatz. I'm just...I'm worried, Richard. They said he was in pretty bad shape."

"It's okay. It'll be okay. You know Flake. He's the most resilient man. If he can last through Till's torments, he can last through anything. Have faith in your friend, Paul. Now is your chance to be optimistic. Don't let that side of you escape you."

He's not wrong. I'm almost always hopeful...

Why can't I be now?

"You're right, Reesh."

"I know I am." Laughing can be heard from the other line. I shake my head and smile.

"When will you stop this conceited nature of yours?" I inquire.

"Probably never. Well, it's time I get going then. See you at the hospital, Landers. I love you. Bye." He concludes as he hangs up on me.



I guess It's time I told the others about the news...

I pick up my phone and call Oliver next. I sit on Flake's bed for a while as I wait for Oliver to pick up. His phone rings for a while before notifying me that his phone is not available at that current moment. Either it died or he hung up on me. If it's the second option...let's just say I'll be upset and disappointed. I understand the precautions though. Imagine being dragged into a situation that doesn't concern you. I can only imagine how he must feel. I decide to leave a text informing him on the events as well as the address to the hospital. I then send another message to tell him to inform Schneider on what happened. Hopefully he'll get through to him.

After that business is done with, I put my phone away and get up to leave. All I can really do now is hope for the best.

I get back into my car and wipe the remaining tears away.

I have to be strong. For Flake...

I start the car and make my way to the nearest store. I refuse to show up empty-handed at the hospital. I sprint across each aisle, hoping to find flowers or some sort of small gift to show I care. I grab the nearest bouquet of pink and yellow roses and a get a "get well soon" card and make my way to the closest and available cashier. I slam my items down and take out my debit card. I immediately pay for my items and run out the door.

I have to work fast. God knows how pressed on time I am at the moment.


Originally Written: July 16, 2019

Bück Dich [Revising]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora