Chapter 20: The Accident

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I continue pressing harder on the gas pedal. After a few seconds, I contemplate on whether this is the right choice. I put my hands back on the steering wheel, in hopes of gaining control over my car.

Wouldn't they be sad? I mean...Paul was upset because of what Till did to me.


If he cared, he wouldn't have yelled at me like that. Clearly I made him mad. Maybe I am better off being dead.

I let go of the steering wheel once again. A few memories race through my mind as I near my final moments.


"Hey, Flake! Join us! You're what we need to make this band complete."

"Don't be ridiculous, Paul. Look at those guys! That really tall one-"


"Yeah, well, that guy is pretty terrifying. Have you heard some of things he's said?"

"Well, no but give him a chance, Flake! I'm sure you'll love being in this band. Come on, please. I don't want to do this without you."

"Then don't do it."


"Okay! Okay! I'll give them a chance but only for you."

"You won't regret your decision, Doktor! I guarantee that." Paul exclaimed as he pulled on my arm and ran over to the group of strong German men. Compared to them, I looked like a stick. I felt rather intimidated actually.

"I have great news, everyone! We have our keyboardist." Paul shouts as he shakes me a bit. I awkwardly wave at the rest of the band members. The singer seemed to be the only nice one there excluding Paul. He showed me around their small studio set-up and motioned where I could stay the night if I wanted to. I smiled and thanked him for his generosity. He blushed in embarrassment, obviously not used to people thanking him. After a while of awkward silence, he introduces himself properly, apologizing for forgetting such a thing. I laugh a bit before responding with something like no worries. We both smile at one another and get straight to work.


Rompe, Kriening, Zimmerman, and Landers

Together we formed a punk band called Feeling B. Through this band, that's how I met and became closer with Paul. We lived together for some time. One of the memories that stuck out the most was when I noticed something was different from our small house.

"Hey, Paul." I said as I walked in and closed the door.

"Oh, hallo, Flake." He responded, clearly busy doing something.

"What are you-" I started up until I looked up and saw something was missing-our curtains. "Paul, what's the meaning of this?" I asked, a bit confused.

"Well, we're out of money so I'm putting my sewing abilities to use. Maybe we can get something out of this." He replied, still occupied with his task.

"Sewing abilities? Paul, what exactly are you doing?" I questioned him again because he had his back to me; I was not able to see what was in his hands.

"This!" He cheerfully exclaimed as he held it up.

A jacket? Out of our curtains?!

"Landers- what the heck? How did you even- what?"

"Don't worry, Lorenz. I used to do this back when I lived with my ex. Lovely woman but very useless when it came to saving money." He chuckled at his own statement and continued working on the finer details of the homemade jacket.

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