chapter 26 - evil sister

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For one whole week I didn't see the triplets. Lana and me are on good terms, but she won't tell me what the triples are up to. It frustrates me to think they could be planning to destroy the world and I could stop them... if I only knew. Drew and I decided that on Friday we were going to track them down. So that's what we are doing. Tracking people. Gosh I feel like mantracker!

"So where should we start looking?" I asked Drew slowly.

He thought for a moment before his eyes went wide. "What's wrong?"

"I have this bad feeling that something really bad is going to happen." He got up from my kitchen table and walked out the back door. I followed closely behind. "That way," He pointed east. "Near the river."

I nodded as Kane came around the corner. We both hopped on and Kane took off. I don't think Drew is used to flying yet. He still holds onto me for dear life. Kane flew close to the ground. It wasn't long before we were flying over the river. "There!" Drew pointed to a island in the middle of the river. Kane landed int the shallow part of the water and we jumped into it. I almost slipped on the rocks but Drew caught me. I smiled at him for thanks.

We slowly made our way up to the little beach. We didn't want to be heard or seen. It the middle of some trees there was a light. Not a bright light like when Emerald shows up, it was dark and creepy. I guess this is it. This is where it all starts and maybe ends. This is where I can prove myself.

We peaked through the trees and saw the triplets sitting on a triangle that was drawn on the ground. I know Lana is here, I just haven't got a clue where. The triplets were humming and the dark light was coming from their hands. Their hands were pointed out in front of each other. Drew looked at me with a worried look. I bit my lip. We watched as the dark light got bigger.

The ground started to grumble and Kane flew off as the ground opened from underneath him. From the hole came a giant creature. It was dark brown and covered in dirt. On top of its back was someone. It turned around and I saw its huge teeth. Drew stood in front of me as a protective percaution. The person on the animals back smiled at me.

"I'm glad you could join us Kim." The creature started to get closer.

"Lana?" I asked in horror. "Is that you?"

She laughed, "Wow, I'm glad you recognize me. Would you like to meet Ryuu?" She petted his head.

"No, I'd rather not thank you." I shook my head and perced my lips. That thing was scary looking. A big thing of drool fell from its mouth, "So what exactly is going on here?" I asked her while keeping my eyes on Ryuu.

She laughed evily, "We are going to get to meet Amethyst. You know who that is don't you?"

"Oh shit..." Drew said for me. I just sighed. The ground grumbled again and I fell back words. Drew fell on top of me in a THUD. I groaned and he quickly got up, "I'm so sorry Kim." He held his hand out to me.

I took it and he pulled me up, "It's alright."

"Ah, look at my lovely boys!" Someone said from behind me. "You're already so powerful!"

Drew and I slowly turned around. There was a woman who looked exactly like Emerald except for her hair was black instead of blonde. She looked up at me and her eyes were purple, unlike Emeralds who were green. She smiled at me, "I see some of Emerald's are here too."

I laughed, "Dude, Emerald may have changed me to be like this, but I'm not on her side."

She looked at me confused, "Who's side are you on?"

"Side Kim." I nodded, "Best side there is."

Her eye brows scrunched together, "Then why are you here?"

"Uh, I'm pretending to be mantracker." I sheeplishly smiled at her. I hope she believed that.

She blinked, "Who's mantracker?"

I fake gasped, "You don't know who mantracker is! He's only the coolest old guy on the planet!" 

From behind me I heard Lana laugh, "He is the coolest old guy on the planet. He wouldn't ever be able to find me though."

I smiled at her, "Me and you could win that thing in one day!"

She smiled back, "Wanna sign up?"

"Hell yes!"

"Shut up!" Amethyst screamed, "This is not right! You are supposed to be at each others throats!"

"Really?" We said in unicin.

She let out a frustrated noise and stoped her foot. "Where the hell is my sister anyways?"

"You know what I just realized," I pointed to Amethyst. "You talk out loud while Emerald speaks in everyone's head."

She gave me an evil glare, "That's because my powers aren't up to their peak yet."

"So, it's like your recharging?" I tiled my head.

"Get out!" She yelled at me. "I won't hurt you if you leave NOW!"

I smiled at her, "We will pick this up again sometime."

She gave me a look of disbelief before Drew transported us back to my house. I smiled at him, "Well she was nice!"

OMG!!! I loved writing this chapter!!! I hope you all liked it :) now the action begins.!!!!! 

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