chapter 27 - leisurely stroll

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I found myself in New York. Just walking down the street. It wouldn't be a big deal if everyone would stop looking at me like I was some sort of alien. The people here are making a path for me as I walk by. It might have to do with the fact that I have swirls all over my body or the fact that Kane is flying dangerously low to the ground and roaring at everything. Yea, he's not helping this situation one bit. What the situation? Well, Amethyst has kidnaped Emerald. To tell you the truth, I don't know how she did it. Emerald is always popping in and out of places, I just never imagined her being caught by anyone. It really came to us as a big surprise.

So, now I find my self taking a leisurely stroll through New York trying to find the two sisters. While this is happening, Drew is fighting fire boy, Evan is fighting morfix dude, and Logan is running from shaking man. I gave them pretty amazing villian names, don't cha think? Anyways, Drew is somewhere behind me in a hotel bashing fire boy's head into a brick wall trying to get him unconscions. Note how I said trying. I watched Drew bash his head at least 15 times before I got bored. I told Drew to catch up with me when he finally got him asleep. That was 4 blocks ago... Evan is on the other side of the city in some office building stapeling morfix dudes head to the wall. So far he's been unsucsessful. Logan on the other hand has ran past here about... three times with shaking man walking after him while laughing his head off. I seriously don't understand why that boy will not man up. Wimp.

So here I am, just walking. I'm acting like nothing is wrong, when clearly everthing is. This is what I had woked up to? Saving Emerald's ass from her sister? I find it really dissapointing. If this is what saving the world is going to be all the time, someone else can take my place. I had fun while it lasted, but now I'm bored of it. Seriously Emerald needs to learn how to get rid of her sister by herself.I said so many times before, she needs to grow up.

 Kane stopped flying and landed on top os a bunch of parked taxi's. 'What is it?' I asked him.

'Do you hear that?'

I stopped to listen but the people on NY are too loud for me to hear anything. "SHUT UP!" I screached then Kane did one of his dragon roars and everyone went quiet. In the distance I heard blasting noises. I guess everyone else heard them too because they started to run the opposite direction. Now I'm never going to get there. Even the people who were in their cars got out and started running away. My next idea was by far the worst. I watch way too many movies. I decided that jumping from car top to car top was the best way to get to where I want to go. So I jumped up onto a yellow taxi cab and ran onto the next one, then the next, then the next. It was actually pretty fun! Now I can check that off my bucket list.

In no time I got to where the building where the sisters were. I looked up to the top of the building and what I saw blew my mind away. There was light and dark just being thrown around. It was like an episode of... well I really don't know. It just scared me.

"KIM!" Someone screached from behind me.

I turned around and saw Lana jumping from car top to car top just like I was.

"We have to stop them!" She yelled to me.

I nodded my head, so much for a leisurley stroll...

AAAHHHH!!!! Sorry for the stort chapter. The next one will probably be the longest one. Its the big fight!!! I'm sooooo excited. Tell me what you guys think!! :D

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