chapter 18 - she's missing?!

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"He's baaaack!!" I sang as Kane swooped to the ground. Yup, that's right. He swooped!

"Oh, noooo!!!" Logan groaned.

"Suck it up butter cup, it's flying or you can die out here." I jumped on Kane's back.

He just glarred at me before getting on in front of me again. Just in case he puked again, we didn't want to be sprayed on.

Drew was behind me, then Evan. I think he's still mad at me. Well guess what? I'm still mad at him!

In no time we were up in the air again.

"How much further is it Kane?" I looked at him over Logan's shoulders.

'Not much. I can see it.'

I looked around Logan and towards the ground. There was a huge white buillding. It was all fenced up and covered in guards. It reminded me of 'Area 51'. Just like in the movies.

Kane quickly lowered himself so that they couldn't fire at him. I quickly jumped off and held up my hands in surrender.

They all had their guns pointed at either me or Kane.

"We are on your side!" I yelled.

They didn't seem to believe me.

"I just want to ask you a question!" I slowly walked forward with my hands up.

"DON'T MOVE!" The man directly in front of me yelled.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." I smiled, "I just have one question and we will be on our way.


'We won't hurt you.'

I laughed as they all dropped their guns.

"Okay, well my question is where is she?" I walked up to them.

They all looked taken back.

"Who?" Someone said from the other side of the fence.

"Magic lady. About this big. Blonde-ish hair. Green eye's. Named Emerald." I notioned with my hands.

"She has a name?" He raised an eye brow at me.

"Yea, and I have a dragon. Now where is she so I can kill her myself."

"We don't know." He walked up to the fence. "No one has seen her for about a week."

"We just saw her like yesterday man. She can't be gone."

"Where did you see her?"

"I dunno we were in the middle of the forest. She kidnapped us and locked us there till he could fly." I notioned to Kane.

"We?" He gave me a confused look.

"Yea, me and these three dudes. Do you have any idea where she is?"

He looked up at Logan, Drew and Evan who all smiled and waved. "No."

"Okay, Thanks. See ya." I waved at him and ran over to Kane.

I hopped on and we flew off. I'm pretty sure all those guys either passed out or had a heart attack. None of them tried to stop us. Now I am determined to find her and I will kill her with my bare hands.

Long time no upload, Eh? Sorry lol I just had to say that haha. So I know this is short, but if you have been paying attention to my very frequent updates.... I am pretty much in quaritine. My mom is going throught the stage in her cemo where her immune system is down and I just had to get a cold and pink eye. I'm pretty sure its spreading to my other eye too. So temporrarily, I am blind. I'm suprised I can see the key board.

I started another 3 stories. Finding My True Love Through time is one that I am just writing for fun. Stuck between two is my summer project. Lastly, The Furry of a Pack Warrior I just started yesterday and I'm letting all my anger out onto it. I am writing these stories right now and typing them when I have time so look forward to them.

Dragons, Unicorns, and All That Jazz (#1 in the All That Jazz series)Where stories live. Discover now