chapter 9 - lovely week

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  • Dedicated to Taylor Ford

How did that thing get into my room? Why did I have to have it? Why me? Why? Why? Why?

All of these questions were running through my head all night. I didn't want to sleep with the glowing rock, so I decided to sleep on the couch outside my room. If I could ever get to sleep. My parents have even given me a sleeping pill... Two hours ago. Lets just say my mind won't turn off no matter how I try.

I made a vow that I would not go into my room unless I absolutely needed to. I did not want that thing to ruin my week of torture. And the next morning I was going to take anything out that I knew I would need.

My parents understand that sometimes I prefer to sleep out of my room. I could just tell then that I was scared of it or that I was closer to the wash room... Which was both true. I was freaked out in grade 6 by my friends. They played bloody Mary in my bathroom and thought my room was just as haunted because I had a giant mirror at the time. So they will believe me if I say that something in there scared me. They also would believe that there might have been a spider in there cause I get those a lot. The bathroom thing has always been true, only because I am partially lactose intolerant. Which means that I can only have like one and a half dairy products with out a pill or I will be sick with in two hours. As I grew older I learned to control it, but there was the odd time where I didn't think properly and spent the night in the bathroom.

Finally around 4 in the morning, I fell into a half sleeping state.

Around 7am my mother came down.

"Km? What are you doing on the couch.?" She looked at me with sympathy.

I snapped out of my half asleep state and looked at her confused. "I uh.. Couldn't sleep.."

She smiled, "Okay, well the councillor will be here at 11:00. Please look presentable for her... I hate to admit it, but you look like crap."

 "Yeah I know.." I sighed and she left. I let my head fall back onto my pillow.

I was happy that I didn't have to go to school for a whole week, but seriously, what were my friends going to think when I got back. I'm still the same girl, just.... had a little scare. Now I'll try to think twice before I do stuff.

I heard my mom walk out the back door outside and I figured I would get up and actually try to make her think I wasn't insane.

I took a long, hot shower. When I finally decided to get out it was 8:00. Wow I can really lose track of time. So I got dressed into some dark skinny jeans and a purple tanktop that i had taken out of my room the night before. I tried to keep my eyes away from the mirror, but i had to look eventually.

I had BAD dark circles underneath my eyes. My face had red blotches on it... like more than i normally have and you could see the vains on my eye lids. I decided to put some Voltaren Emulgel on my jaw muscles so they would loosen a bit. I noticed that I was clenching my teeth all night.

I applied some concealer on my much needed areas and put a bit of powder over them. I guess that I looked okay. So I applied some maskcara and headed up stairs.

I cooked up some scrambled eggs...... Eggs..... Oh god. I only ate half of them though. So I made some hot chocolate instead. By the time I was compleatly out of ideas from keeping my self bored it was only 9:30.

"UGGGG!!!! Why am I being put through this tourture!!!" I screamed.

I heard something jump off my parents bed and start walking towards me. I knew it had four legs and claws. I quickly jumped on top of a chair as it came closer to me. I closed my eyes and heard it stop. I heard it sigh really heavy..... What was it?

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