chapter 20 - some how?

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So, I can't sleep. Why you may ask? Because I can't stop thinking about Evan. Yea, I know. Lame right?  Well part of me thinks I should just get over him and start over with someone else. Part of me thinks that someone else should be Drew. And the last part of me thinks I shouldn't be getting over him so fast. I mean seriously, we dated for so long... Why is this so hard? Its either get over him or not. But I can't just move on so fast... Can I?

Why do I over think things? Why? Why? Why?

Maybe its because I'm a girl. We always over think things...

My brain just won't turn off will it?

'Yes, and I can hear it.'

Omg, I'm so sorry Kane.

For the next half an hour I just kept telling myself 'sleep' till I eventually drifted off.


I sat up as fast as I could and ended up falling off my bed and onto the floor. I lifted my head only to hit it on my night stand.

"Ow." I hissed.


I slowly turned my head towards my little window. 

"Who's out there?" I yelled.

'Come out side you stupid!'

I sighed, 'whatever.'

 I walked as slowly as I could out of my room and through the basement.

'Could ya be any slower?'

'Shut up Kane, its early in the morning.'

 I glanced at my kitchen clock before I went outside, 6:15am. Oh how nice. The air outside wasn't cold, but it wasn't warm. It also gave off that errie feeling, like something bad is about to happen. I looked around my back yard.

"Kane! Where are you?" I yelled.

'Shut up and come on your roof!'


'Just do it!'

I groaned. How the hell am I supposed to get on my roof? I'll have to climb a tree or something. Oh shit. I should not have thought that. I turned to the big tree in out backyard. It hangs over our roof.

"You better not drop me." I mumbled to it.

So in the early morning, still in my pj's, I was climbing a tree because my dragon told me to. That was an excelent reason to tell my parents. I could just see the conversation now, 'Dear, why were you climbing the tree so early?' 'Well mum, my dragon told me to.' Do you think they would believe me?

I reached a branch that was just a few inches above the roof and jumped off it. I tried my hardest to not make any noise, but being me, I made a lot of noise. I just hope my parents didn't here me. 

'Okay now what?'

'Put your hands above your head.'

'Whay the hell would I do that?'

'Just DO IT'

'Wow someone's demanding in the morning.'

I raised my arms above my head and closed my eyes. Nothing happened. I opened my eyes and siged. I should be in bed right now worrying. Nope, instead I'm standing on my roof with my hands above my head and looking like a complete idiot.

"Ah look who just decided to walk right into our trap." A voice said from somewhere behind me.

I whipped around, nothing was there.

Dragons, Unicorns, and All That Jazz (#1 in the All That Jazz series)Where stories live. Discover now