chapter 3 - crazy assembly

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We wrote notes for half an hour till there was an announcement. The principal said, “Please, grade 10’s make your way to the gymnasium for the assembly.”

Ms. Mair lined us up alphabetical, like we were in grade 2. The man that was guarding our door led us to the gym while the woman brought up the rear. Now we are defiantly being held against our will.

In the gym there was even more people in suits. There was a huge screen that was hooked up to a projector. The screen was blank. We were seated in the same order that we came in on the bleachers at the back of the gym. No one said a word.

Slowly, class by class, grade by grade, everyone shuffled silently in. As soon as everyone was seated, a woman in a navy blue suit, with a skirt instead of pants, walked to the center of the gym.

“Good morning,” she sounded as if she was from the military. “We are deeply sorry for all the precautions we are taking,” yeah right! “As you may know, there is a woman changing humans into fairy tale creatures. We are about to show you a live, mandatory, viewing of the United Nations trying to,” she paused to think, “as you would put it, ‘summon,’ this woman. Please pay attention for it is mandatory,” she repeated.

She walked out from the middle of the gym with her heels clicking behind her. The clock changed to 10:35 and the projector buzzed on.

At first the picture was blue, then it changed to a huge room. The room had a blue carpet and cherry wood desks in a half circle formation. There was a huge variety of people sitting at those desks. Some of them had head phones on.

At the front of the room was the president of the United States of America. He was saying something, but the speakers weren’t working. He looked at the camera and started to address us. It was like he didn’t want us to hear what he was saying till he was ready. As soon as he started talking to the camera we could hear him.

“Hello people of the world. We have gathered our world leaders this day for one purpose only.” He paused, as if waiting for an answer. He got complete silence from everyone in the whole world. If a pin dropped in China, we would have all heard it in that moment.

“That purpose, is to ask this woman to step forward,” he continued. “Not just any woman, but the woman who has been changing the worlds teenagers into creatures not known to man-kind.” He stopped, like he was waiting for her to walk through the door or something.

He looked disappointed.

Everyone started to exchange looks.

“Please, step forward,” he repeated. Then he almost yelled, “Show yourself!”

Why must you yell, I’m coming.

There was a voice inside my head that wasn’t mine. I looked around; apparently the voice was in everyone else’s head too.

“Who’s there? Why are you in my head?” The President demanded.

Don’t worry; I’m in everyone’s head.

The voice was cheery, but it was also sophisticated.

“And who might this voice belong to,” he asked looking into the sky.

I thought you would recognize me, after all you are asking to see me. Are you not?

“Could you please show yourself to us? The world would like to see you.” Explained the president.

We could see a bright light on the screen that blinded everyone. Even the people in suits had to turn away from it. A couple seconds after it appeared, it disintegrated into a womanly figure. She was wearing a very light pink gown that touched the floor. It was like one that you would see on a fairy godmother. She had really light blonde hair that was almost white. Her skin was pail and fair, it looked delicate.

She was holding a white book in her hands. On the cover of the book was a half globe-looking thing. It was like that thing in the game trouble that rolls the dice for you.

Hello,’ she said. Her mouth didn’t move.

She was still talking inside my head.

“Why must you speak inside our heads, even though you are right in front of us?” the president asked.

Because, thoughts don’t have a language.’ She explained, ‘and this way i can talk to everyone without the trouble of the translators.

“Huh? Well now down to business. Why are you doing this? Do you realize that you are ruining peoples’ lives?” he tried to sound sorry for them.

I am simply fixing what has been broken.

“And what has been broken?”

Your DNA, as you would put it.

“I see, and why is our DNA broken?”

About 2 million years ago, after the dinosaurs; fairies, mermaids, wizards, dragons, shadows, followers, warlocks and many other creatures roamed this earth.’ She said.

“How does this have anything to do with us right now?” The president slammed his hand on the pedestal he was standing behind.

I’m getting there, please be patient. With all the good it the world there was an evil that was always equal. So this means that for all the goodness I possessed, my sister possessed that much evil. One day, she cursed all these creatures to become the same. To become human. I tried to stop her. I succeeded in destroying her but she succeeded in changing them. Luckily I stopped her just in time so that there was still a gene that they possessed so that I could change them back. Sadly I didn’t have enough strength at the time to do so. Now, what I plan to do is reactivate that gene so you all can turn back to normal.

“Why should we believe you?” he asked.

It’s your choice if you want to believe me or not,’ she answered. ‘However, it’s happening, and I am brining you something more... accurate, to keep track of the creatures in your country when they change.’ She held out the book to him. ‘every leader from every country gets a book as well. It will tell each leader the number of creatures in their countries.

The president slowly took the book from her hands. A bunch more that all looked the same popped in front of all the world leaders.

They all started to look through the pages at once. The Canadian Prime minster stood up and yelled at her.

“This book is incorrect! It shows me false information!” he started walking towards the woman at the front of the room. He was pointing to a page in the book, “There are no dragons or ‘riders’ in Canada!”

Oh sorry, my bad.’ She turned to him. ‘The book is a little ahead of me. You see, that’s where I’m supposed to be today! I can’t get to her right now; sadly your government is preventing me from seeing her.  The dragon is with me right now. It’s still waiting to meet its rider she lives in Canada. To be more specific, she’s 15 years old and lives in a small town in Alberta.’ She smiled at him.

“What town? Where?” He demanded.

'Devon,' she answered.

hellooo! On the side is how I imagine the magic lady. She would just have lighter and longer hair. :)

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Dragons, Unicorns, and All That Jazz (#1 in the All That Jazz series)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat