chapter 8 - my punishment

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I threw my hand up half way through my scream to sheild it so no one up stairs would here me. It didn't work. I could hear them getting up to rush down for me. Oh. Great!

Though, finally, I got a good look at it. It was green and scaly, it glowed with a dark green arora around it.

As I got closer, the glow got more intence. So I threw a dark purple towel over top of it and picket it up off of my bed room floor. I slowly walked over to my closet and placed it safely on the floor, where no one could see it.

I did it just in time to, my mom and dad came in once I was backing away.

"Why did you scream?" My dad asked, out of breath.

"I saw a.... SPIDER!!" I lied.

"You've never screamed at a spider before..." my mom spoke slowly.

"Yea... I guess," I sighed. "I'm just a bit jumpy, sorry."

"Its alright," dad smiled.

"By the way, we have figured out your punishment," mom smiled too.

I sighed again, "Oh, great!"

"You're school called. You are going to take a week off of school." Mom frowned.

Dad came and put his hand on my sholder, "and you will be taking some counciling."

My jaw dropped so far it almost hit the floor, "WHAT? I'm not crazy!!!"

My mom clarified me, "the school signed you up, they... we are all worried about you. She's coming here daily, to just.... talk."

"Do I have to take stupid meds too! Do you really think thats the best thing for me! Have you even asked how I feel being trapped in the middle of a stupid lie!!!" I was screaming at them.

"No medication," dad sighed this time.

They both hugged my now numb body and walked out.

Counciling? I looked ant the towel that covered the egg and whispered to it.

"This is all your fault. All of it.... my life is offically ruined."


What do you think she's going to do with it? She sounds pretty angry, well at least in my mind.

I'm glad a ton of you really like this story.. so sorry that this chapter is so short, next one will be longer, I promise :)

Dragons, Unicorns, and All That Jazz (#1 in the All That Jazz series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant