chapter 13 - meeting myself

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I shifted in my bed and regretted it as soon as I felt the pain gush through my muscles. I groaned as my mom walked in and turned on my light.

"Can I have a Tylenol?" I asked my face still in the pillow.

"Yup but you have to come get it." I heard my mother’s retreating footsteps.

I groaned again and forced my painful body to move to my bathroom. I continued with my regular things, just a tad bit slower. Islid ona pair of back skinny jeans, just because I felt that bit more confident. They didn't fit though. They were really baggy on my legs, and my waist wasn't fitting either. I looked down at my body, and I was surprised by what I saw. My hips were smaller and so was my stomach.

I mean I wasn't really fat, but I did have a belly that I really tried to hide and I always wished my hips were invisible. As I searched my new body more, I realized that my upper thighs didn't touch from all the fat in there. My arms didn't have a weird jiggle going on with them anymore. All my fat was gone and some of it seemed to be replaced my muscle. OMG, I have muscle! This was like a miracle. I was going to have to go shopping now! Sadly I have no money.

I sighed, and went searching for some clothes that might actually fit. I found some grey skinny jeans that I wore in like grade 8 when I first started to gain weight. They still were a bit big on me though, but hey, what they make belts for? I wore just one of my regular white tank tops with alace pink tank top over topand to finish itI founda nice dark green jacket that my parents brought back from Vegas when I was in grade 7.

I went upstairs to find Puff sleeping on the couch that Evan had slept on. I smiled, they really get along well. My two boys, getting along. Not many people get to see that. I walked to school with a big smile on my face, but it quickly disapeared when I walked through the front door. I felt insecure and not welcome at all the looks I was getting. Puff woke up to my feelings, he felt love towards me and loneliness. I wish I could bring him to school with me. Wait, maybe I can.

I walked to my locker and put my books inside. I still had some time so I headed towards the office. Even if they say I can't I still will. Plus I only get a month of him looking this cute. I walked into the small room and the two ladies we have at the front desk just stared at me. It was really starting to scare me.

"Can I get some help?" I asked.

One of the ladies shook her head slightly, as if waking up from a day dream.

"Um, name?" she asked.

"Kim O'Neill." I smiled. "I would like to ask if its alright if I bring my dragon to school? He's really sweet and really small. It will just be like having a dog here. He can't fly and he won't eat anyone. He's just super lonley at home by himself."

"Um, you go to this school?" She asked.

"Yup..." I hesitated.

The other lady woke up from her daze. "Sure you can bring him."

"Thanks," I smiled and walked out.

The day went by in a blur. I liked that. For lunch, Alex brought me to Timmies with her. Just so I wasn't walking home all by myself. When I finally got home, Puff was the happiest dragon in the world. I fe;t his lonelyness all day and it had inturupted some of my classes. I just kept reasurring him that he could come with me tomorrow.

In my room I found a note;


My beautiful dragon rider. I know how much you enjoy your skating. I have seen you and I think your really good at it. But it has to stop. I'm sorry. You must spend your free time training. No more extra curricular activities allowed from here on out. Just training.

Dragons, Unicorns, and All That Jazz (#1 in the All That Jazz series)Where stories live. Discover now