chapter 12 - everything explained

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I walked back to my locker with my head down. Some people got glances of me but just kept walking. At my locker; Violet, Annie, and Abigail we waiting. I sighed as I aproached them.

"Hey, ditcher." Annie said to me and they all laughed.

"Yea, sorry." I unlocked my locker.

"Where were you for lunch?" Violet asked sweetly.

"I kinda ran out of social and Alex and Emma brought me to DQ." I grabbed my books.

"Why?" Abigail put her hand on her hip.

"Because I was being made fun of," I finally looked up.

They all gasped and I walked away. This time with my head held high. I don't give a shit anymore. They can all make fun of me as much as they want. I feel proud. In the back of my mind I could tell Puff was proud for me. I sent him a thankyou feeling back.

But was I really proud of my appearance? Did I like my new look? I wasn't exactly sure, but I'm going to have to acept it... for now.

I had to walk all the way to the end of the 'U' of our school. Engish was the furthest point passible from my locker.

I eventually got there just as the bell was rining. I took my seat in the back. Lana usually sits infront of me, then Julia then Fern. But they all sat one seat up. So I pushed my chair back so It was up against the wall. Noboady sat to the right of me, whuch was nice. And to my left was a wall. Also kinda nice.

Our teacher, Mrs. Lee, walked in and glared at me. Which in turn made everyone stare at me to.

"Yup! I'm different!" I sighed and looked down. "But... you know its rude to stare."

That made them all turn away. Ha. Serves them right. Mrs. Lee decided that we were watching a movie. She came up to me as it was starting and collected my homework. But she didn't lay one eye on my face the whole time. She quickly noticed my hands though. She gasped and stormed away. She was the nice teacher. I loved English with her, she has a slight british acent. Plus, she is super nice.... I guess not anymore.

Oh well.. I sighed and sat back in my chair and forgot about everything as I watched the movie Troy.

The funny thing is, mythology was my favorite unit. I mentally laughed at the though. I felt Puff in the back of my mind. He was confused. I just sent him a picture the word 'MYTH' and a dragon. He seemed bored and didn't send anything back. Guess he isn't scared of other dragons. That might be a good thing.

The bell rang and we all walked out before Mrs. Lee turned off the movie. Now I had to my way all the way aroung the school to my last class of the day, Communications Technology. Or for short, Com Tech. I've already earned all of my credits in this class. So I just play on facebook.

Again I sit in the back... Its kinda nice. Everyone gave me more dirty looks, but I just shrugged them off. It was seriously starting to get anoying. Some of the guys from my social class were there, but they weren't the rude ones. Abigail, Emma, April, Samantha, and Amber all are in my class. Emma came over to me and we laughed for a bit, but eventually she had to go get some work done.

Fianlly, the bell that signaled the end of the day went off. I don't think I've ever been so happy and relived in my life. I ran into Alex on my rush out and she offered me a ride home. I accepted.


I sat on the couch scarfing down my newly bought bag of Kethchup chips. Evan left them for me when he left an hour ago. Me and Puff were watching some Beiong Human UK. He seemed to like the show. Especially when he got to see the black eyes of the vampires and the transformed werewolves. He kept sending me images of them.

Dragons, Unicorns, and All That Jazz (#1 in the All That Jazz series)Where stories live. Discover now