✴XXII- ˗ˏˋMrs Jeonˎˊ˗

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Taehyung called Jimin. He asked him to take care of Jungkook for some hours while he was gone. Of course Jimin had better things to do but a paid-up order of his favorite food was enough to convince him.

Jungkook hung to the older's arm desperately trying to make him stay. He didn't like Jimin and overall he didn't like Taehyung leaving.

"I wan daddy"

Taehyung mentally sighed. He wasn't in the mood for Jungkookie's whining time. He took a deep breath as he gave Jungkook a sweet reassuring kiss on his forehead.

"Daddy will be back soon, baby. Don't be a bad boy and wait for me, yes?"

Jungkook pouted and wagged his head right and left "No! Daddy stay!"

"Jungkook." Taehyung pronounced his name baldly and Jungkook abruptly opened his eyes "You're going to stay home with Jimin while I'm out doing business and you're not gonna whine about it, are we clear?"

Jungkook felt his throat closening, he wasn't able to say anything back. Taehyung gave him a stern stare.

Jimin was still in the room, looking at both of them with curiosity. Taehyung turned his body around to walk towards the doorway.

"Call me if he gets too much for you" Taehyung warned him at the door entrance before leaving and gifted Jungkook with another look "I'll come right away. Behave, Jungkook".

After that Taehyung opened the door and closed it behind him, walked firmly towards his car and drove away from his house.

He wasn't comfortable leaving Jungkook alone but he convinced himself that Jungkook and Jimin would get along better this time. Jimin was a good caretaker, better than him, he would admit.

He wasn't just driving away to some party or to have fun with someone else, he was heading to get the answers he needed. It was a necessary sacrifice.

That morning when Taehyung had woken up a a ray of clarity hit him. He came to the conclusion that he couldn't just wait around until Jungkook decided to slip off of littlespace.

Of course he couldn't ask Jungkook, a teenager leaving under a baby dream who was drowning in his own suffering to answer his countless questions.

So if he couldn't count on Jungkook, who else knew him better than he did?

First he thought about Jungkook's ex caregiver but that path was too dark and risky. He had the feeling that man had been nothing good for Jungkook and he wasn't gonna be the one to bring him back to Jungkook's life. Besides he didn't have a clue of where he could be staying and even his name was unknown. Asking Jungkook about him was definitely not a good idea.

Taehyung's own mother didn't have much more information than he had. All she knew had already been spilled.

So at the end all he was left with was Jungkook's family. Mrs Jeon and Mr Jeon.

Of course Taehyung wasn't sure if they'd be willing to tell him all of the story. At the end, he was still a stranger with zero relationship with them.

Even in those conditions, he was willing to drink all the coffee and tea in the world that mrs. Jeon had to offer him for her to eventually tell what really was happening with his kid.

It wasn't a great start to just appear at their house and knock the door countless times until someone opened. Taehyung made sure mrs. Jeon was available and willing to meet him.

They accorded to meet at meal time in a local restaurant. When Taehyung arrived, mrs Jeon was already taking place in their reservated table. He could have told from miles away she was nervous. Maybe more nervous than she had ever been.

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