🌈V - ˗ˏˋ tiger and bunny ˎˊ˗

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Taehyung gave Jungkook his new plushie as a reward for stopping with the tears.

It was a tiger. Jungkook was very happy about it, he said his bunny and his tiger could be very good friends. He was now playing with them on the couch and Tae could hear him from of his office where he was seating. He didn't know why but there was something about Jungkook that made his heart flutter. Jungkook was like a ray of sunshine. He loved to see him smile and his happy laugh gave him chills. He was such a pure boy.

He had looked for information about littles and littlespace and he found out it was much more common than he thought. He searched about littles and caregivers and about how littles used to call their caregivers daddies.

He also found that caregivers should take very seriously all the little's needs because littles needed someone to care for them, a soft but stern hand that guided them.

Taehyung wasn't sure if he was Jungkook's caregiver because they just had met 30 minutes ago but Jungkook had already addressed him as his daddy. Either way he was fine with it even though he thought it was a little too much responsibility for him he wanted to give it a try. He didn't care about Jungkook being a little. Jungkook was adorable.

He walked towards the living room to check on Jungkook.

"Jungkook" he called him "Let's go to the supermarket, someone told me you like banana milk"

Jungkook pouted and gave him a mad look, Taehyung asked himself what he had done wrong.

"No Jungkook" he said "kookie baby!"

Jungkook smiled and excitedly jumped on the sofa.

"Should daddy call Kookie baby?" Taehyung asked him with a smile and Jungkook nodded "yesh!"

Taehyung smiled widely at him "So does baby Kook want to go to the supermarket with daddy?"

Jungkook's jumped in his seat again as he screamed "yesh!" the two of his plushies escaped from his hands and fell onto the floor. Jungkook quickly picked them up and his smile slowly disappeared and was replaced by a sad look and his head dropped. Taehyung didn't understand why but he didn't like to see Jungkook sad so he quickly kneeled down in front of him and put his fingers under Kookie's chin and made him look up to him.

"What's wrong bun?" He sweetly asked him.

"Bunny and tiger feel alone if I go" he murmured looking at his friends with sadness and then shook is head frantically "don't wanna"

Taehyung frowned his eyebrows a bit as he caressed the one tiger plushie "What if tiger and bunny come to the supermarket with us? Mm? Would they be happy then?"

As if they were back to life Jungkook's eyes sparkled and opened in disbelief "Really?!" he asked pronouncing the r more as a w. Tae found it adorable.

"Yes! But you have to take good care of them so they don't get lost, alright?"

Jungkook nodded and right when Tahyung was about to stand up the boy jumped to his embrace asking for a hug "thank you daddy" he said "momma hates plushies with me" the younger boy expressed "no plushies outside the house"

Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's waist and made him look at him directly in the eyes "don't think about it Kookie. With daddy Tae you can always bring your plushies with you" he gave him a reassuring smile and Jungkook smiled back "understood?" and Jungkook nodded multiple times "destood!"


Chapters will be longer as the story continues 🖤🐧~

 ˗ˏˋMEDICINE ˎˊ˗ 【 Little Space 】taekookWhere stories live. Discover now