This Bitch Is Ruining My Life

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Mike's POV

What the hell?! 

We were all just sitting around watching TV and then Layla came in. I wasn't really watching TV I was thinking about Maryse. I was a jerk to Maryse. I do admit but come on me and Maryse? Never.

"Hey babe." I said a hugged back. I pulled away a little and kissed her.  "I thought you weren't suppose to come until the next month."

" So did I." Layla giggled. "But  I got vacation earlier. So I came!"

Randy got up so did John. They looked pissed. I knew they hate Layla but I seriously don't know why sure, Layla can be a little stubborn and jealous but other then that she is a good girlfriend. Right?

"Hi Layla." said Randy threw his teeth trying to be happy. John was trying not to laugh.

"Hey Randy." said Layla all cheery and hugged him. 

They let go. She hugged John then Phil came. The girls were giving a death stare as they were coming. Surprised? I think not.

"Hey girls." said Layla giving Maryse a glare.

"Hi." said Maria acting all happy. I always count on Maria to act the happiest when Layla comes.

"Hi Layla." said Eve smiling.

"Hi Layla." said Kelly not even looking a least a little interesting. How great?

Maryse said nothing.

"So why don't we go back to watching TV." I suggested.

We went to the living room. On one of our two three person couch sat Phil, Eve and Maria. On the other one was Kelly, Randy and John. Maryse sat on the floor between Kelly and Maria. FInally Layla and I sat on the two person couch.

"So baby how was your trip?" I asked.

"It was good. So Randy how are you and Madison?" asked Layla.  Layla and Madison are close so she must know.

"Were not together Layla actually Kelly and I got back together last night." said Randy like he knows nothing.

"Oh so you didn't tell Kelly that Madison is-" 

John cuts Madison off.

"Madison did you hear that Phil and Eve are engaged?" said John all cheery.

Oh my god Randy was so relieved.

"Really?! Oh my god! Congrats!" said Layla.

"Thanks." said Eve trying to be happy. Whats up with her?

"Kelly can you help me to bring some ice cream out? Layla must be hungry those airplanes food suck." said Maria.

"Sure." shrugged Kelly.

Kelly's POV.

We walked into the kitchen.

"How much are we?" Maria asked.

"9." I replied.

"Kells come here." said Maria.

I came. "What?"

"Eve likes John." she answered.

"No way!" I was shocked.

"Yeah. This morning she asked me if i'm over him. Then she told me she likes him. Then thank god you woke-up!" said Maria.

What a bitch!

"Damn it! How did that happen?" I asked.

"I don't know! How could Phil not see it that she isen't happy?" Maria asked.

"Poor Phil he's such a nice guy." I answered looking up.

"Whats up with Randy?" Maria asked.

"I don't know, Today he has been really sweet to me. We cuddle a lot lately and he kisses me more.... I'm not complaining though." Maria laughed. "But something up. He seems guilty."

"Yeah. Layla was saying something about Madison then John cut her off trying to change the subject." Maria rolled her eyes.

Randy walked in. "Do you girls need help to put some ice cream?"

Oops. We took nothing out.

"No baby. We just couldn't find the ice cream scooper." I lied.

Randy rolled his eyes and went to a drawl with the utensils. He opened it and got out the ice cream scooper. He put it on the counter. Randy rolled his eyes. 

"Thanks baby." I said then kissed his cheek.

"No problem." He left.

Maria and I cracked up laughing. Maria took out the vanilla ice cream. I took out nine bowls and spoons.

Maria open the ice cream and got the scooper.

"So whats going to happen with Mike and Maryse?" i asked. 

"I don't know. Poor  Maryse though." said Maria while putting ice cream. She grabbed the second bowl.

"I know. The worst part is, is that they make an adorable couple." I said taking two bowls while Maria gets the third. We couldn't give a damn care if they were equal.

"I know. There perfect for each other! Why is Mike so damn blind? Is he stupid?" Maria asked grabbing the fourth bowl.

"Okay well be right back." I said while walking out with two bowls.

I gave one to Layla and one to Mike.

"What took you guys so long?" asked Mike.

"We couldn't find the ice cream scooper." I answered.

"Thanks." said Layla.

I rolled my eyes as I walked out. How could that bitch think we could be friends if she tried to have sex with Randy?

"Maria why did you break up with John?" I asked  as Maria took the seventh bowl.

"I don't know. I saw Ted and I fell in love with him all over again." I knew that Maria was lying.

"Maria I know your lying." I said.

"Kelly just drop it." she said.

"Fine." I decided not get too involved.

 Maria finished putting ice cream in the last  bowl.

We took each bowl out. After a couple of minutes Randy's phone ranged.

"Excuse me." said Randy and walked out.

Randy's POV

"Hey Madison." I said. Damn it why did she have to call.

"Hey baby." said Madison.

"Cut the crap Madison." I said.

"Sorry. I just wanted to let you know that tomorrow i'm going to the hospital to see the sex of the baby." Madison said.

"Can I come?" I asked. 

"You really wanna come and see me?" asked Madison all sweetly.

"No but I do wanna be for this baby. What time?" I asked. I really want this baby to have a dad around not just a fucked up mom.

"Twelve pm." answered Madison.

"Goodbye Madison." I said.

"Randy I know were going to make an adorable family. Bye honey." Madison said then ended the call.

This bitch is ruining my life!

Sorry for the late update I have been addicted to a story! Please COMMENT and VOTE! Thanks!

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