Looks Like I'm Going Back To The Place I Swore I Would Never Go Back

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4 years later. Phil at his home. Phil's POV

It's been four years since I moved here. It's been pretty cool actually. I love it here. I just wish I didn't have to say bye to everyone but we still talked. Just last year the boys came here.

"Hey baby." said my loving wife walking in.

"Hey Eve." I said then kissed her.

Yes. Eve did say yes.  Eve sat on my lap.

"Phil?" asked Eve.


"Why do you think about maybe having some kids?" asked Eve.

Shit. I knew this day was coming.

"Why do you want a baby goat?" I asked.

Eve laughed. "No silly. I want children."

"Eve we could always get a dog." I said.

"Phil dogs aren't the same as people." said Eve while getting off my lap.

"I don't want children." I simply said.

"Why?" asked Eve.

"Were going to have to go their teen years. That's going to be tough." I said.

"We went through those." said Eve.

"That's how I know their tough." I said.

Truly that's not the real reason why I don't want children.

"Phil I know your lying." said Eve.

Damn she's good.

"Eve come on i'm not lying." I lied.

Eve rolled her eyes. "Fine don't tell me." 

Eve walked away. Damn it.

The phone rang it was John.

"Hey man." I said.

"Dude did you get the invite?" asked John.

"No." I said.

"Okay i'm just going to tell you." said John.

Wonder what it is.

John's POV

"Maria and I are engage." I said.

"You finally popped the question." asked Phil.

"Yeah." I said.

"When is it?" asked Phil.

"In like three weeks." I said.

"Oh shit man I need to find tickets. I'll call you later." said Phil.

"Okay bye Phil." I said.

I put down the phone. I can't believe I asked Maria to marry me.

Three weeks ago:

"John were are we going?" asked Maria

"It's a surprise." I answered.

Maria groaned. I laughed. We finally made it to our destination.

"Close your eyes." I said. Maria gave me a confused look. "Just close them." 

Maria closed them. I open the door for her and led her to the most wonderful thing ever.

"Okay open your eyes." 

Maria opened her eyes and gasped. I brought her up to a mountain. We were looking down at Chicago.

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