Will You Go Out With Me?

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Randy and Kelly

Randy starts to wake up and sees next to him a beautiful blond. Randy starts to stroke her hair and watches her sleep. "Man this girl is so cute. I have to break things with Madison. Last night was  so crazy, the only thing I want is for Kelly never to slap me again." thought Randy. Kelly starts to wake up.

"Goodmorning sleeping beauty." said Randy then he kissed her forehead.

"Randy why are you so nice to me? I slapped you last night." said Kelly looking up to him. 

"Don't worry, I diserved it I was being a jerk okay? Baby today i'm going to hang out with the boys. Why don't you invite Maria and Eve?" asked Randy. 

"I was thinking that babe. I'm going to go take a shower." said Kelly while getting up.

"Can I join?" smirked Randy.

Kelly grabs a pillow and throws it at him and then goes in the bathroom.

"Was that a yes?" yelled Randy. 

"No!" yelled back Kelly.

3 hours later still at Randy and Kelly's house 

Ding dong. 

" I'll get it." yelled Randy as he went to the door. Randy opens the door.

"Hey Randy." said Mike as he walked in with John.

"Sure come on in." said Randy.

"Randy you should know us by now, your lucky we knocked." said John.

"True." said Randy.

"Randy who was at the door......... oh hey John hey Mike." said Kelly giving them a hug.

"Hey Kells." said John and Mike.

Ding dong.

Randy walks to the door, he opens the door and sees Maria, Eve and Maryse.

"Hey Maria, hey Eve and you are?" asked Randy as he lead them into the living room.

"This is Maryse my cousin. Maryse this is Kelly, this is John, that was Randy and you already know Mike." answered Eve.

"Hey Maryse it's nice to see you again." said Mike. Thinks "Damn she is so fine."

"You too MIke." smiled Marsye.

"Okay why don't we boys leave and let you girls stay here bye." said John. John and Mike leaves.

"Bye baby." said Randy and kisses her.

"Bye." said Kelly.

"Get a room." said Maria.

To the boys

"Dude you seriously cheated on Kelly again?" asked Mike.

"Yeah I know I really have to break things off with Madison if I ever wanna marry Kelly." said Randy.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Marriage? Dude your only 25 and Kelly is only 23." said John.

"Your point? I really love her and plus we been dating fo 3 years. Just please don't tell her about Madison and I." beged Randy.

"Don't worry Randy I won't tell but  I know how you feel I really love Layla." said Mike. John and Randy start to laugh. Mike looks at them like what the hell?

"Dude she's a total bitch and plus it looks like you and Maryse got something going on but I don't blame you she is hot." said John.

"Whatever like I would listen to you. Your also 25 and you like Maria since you were 23 dude seriously? Why don't you ask her out?" asked Mike.

"Bro Mike got a point and isen't Maria dating Ted again?" asked Randy then rolled his eyes.

"Yeah she did but he broke her heart again." said John.

"Dude it's the best timing ask her out. How about tomorrow night we all go to the club and then you can ask Maria there." suggested Mike.

"Sounds great. Randy call Kelly and ask her." said John.

"Okay." said Randy as he takes out his phone.

To the girls

"Hey Randy......... yeah one secound let me ask the girls." said Kelly. "Do you girls wanna go to the club tomorrow?"

All the girls "Hell yeah!"

"Okay Randy  the girls said yes......... bye love you too." said Kelly. All the girls are looking at her. "What?" asked Kelly.

"You and Randy seem like you guys really love each other." said Maryse.

"Not for long. Last night Randy and I got into another fight. This time i slapped him because he came home laste again. I relly think he is cheating on me. It has been getting later and later evey night." said Kelly and starts tearing up.

"Aww Kells and I thought I have been having love problems. Ted cheated on me again." said Maria.

"Again!? You better leave him for this and never go back." said Eve.

"Yeah, i'm done with him but why do I always fall for the bad guys?" said Maria.

"Well there is one guy who isen't bad that likes you. It's John." said Kelly.

"Did Randy tell you?" asked Maria.

"Hell no! Randy doesn't even tell me the truth but i can see it in John's eyes." said Kelly.

"Yeah right. If anyone likes anyone its Maryse and Mike." said Maria and looks at Maryse.

"Well I can't say I don't like him. He is so cute and he looks too good for Layla." said Maryse smiling. "What about you Eve any special guy?"

"Umm there's one... at least I think. His name is Phil. He is the boss's son but I don't know." said Eve blushing. Eve looks at the clock and says "Shit  I have to go or I will be late to work. Bye." 

Eve at work

"Hi may I help you?" says Eve while looking down.

"Actually you can."

Eve looks up and sees Phil. "Hey Phil. What do you need?" ask Eve.

"Well i was wondering. Will you go out with me?"

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