Admit That You Love Me (Summary)

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Randy Orton and Kelly McMahon are in a very good, loving relationships what happens when Randy cheats on her and Kelly seeks revenge and they end it off in a horrible break up? Maria Kanellis has a bad history with men, from cheaters to using her for sex.  What happens she falls in love with John Cena but is too scared to get her heart broken? Layla and Mike have been dating for 2 years now but Mike isen't sure who he wants to be in a relationship with Layla beacuse he met a beautiful French Canadian Maryse. Philip Brooks A.K.A Cm Punk doesn't really fall in love often but that all changes when he meets Eve  Torres. After he meets her, he can't stop thinking about her. PLEASE GIVE THE STORY A CHANCE I KNOW ITS NOT A GOOD SUMMARY!

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