I knew it

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"I would love too Phil." said Eve trying to not freak out.

" Great well i'll pick you up at 8 but there is a problem." said Phil. 

"What's the problem?" asked Eve a little worry. 

"I don't know where you live. We should change that." said Phil smiling. 

"Yes we should." said Eve. Eve takes out a piece of a flpaper and wrights down her adress and thinks "oh my god he just asked me out and his smile sooo cute." Eve hands him the paper.

"Great umm see you tonight." said Phil and leaves. 

"Oh my god! He is so cute and cool!" thought Eve. 

"Holy crap I almost shit my pants." thought Phil

Back to the girls

Maryse's phone rings  

"Hello?.... Hey Eve..... Oh my god! He asked you out!?.... I'm so happy for you..... Okay bye." Macaryse ends the call. "Girls Eve got a boyfriend!! Phil asked her out."

All the girls squeal!

Ding dong.

"Must be the boys." said Kelly while getting up. Opens the door. "Hi boys." 

The boys walk in.  

"Whats going on I heard a squeal?" asked Mike. 

" Eve got a boyfriend!!" said Maria

After a couple hours they all leave

I have to end things with Madison. It's eight o'clock I could go to her house and just end it off. No sex. Randy goes and walks into the kitchen where Kelly is making dinner.

"Baby i forgot my cell at the bar where the boys and I were. I'll be right back ok?" said Randy. 

"Okay? Just don't be too late." said Kelly 

" I won't be." said Randy and then leaves.  

Kelly walks into the living room and sees Randy's phone.  

"Okay either he is just that stupid or he is off with that hoe." said Kelly

To Phil and Eve at dinner

"Wow Phil this is so elegant." said Eve. "But you really didn't have to.go all thay trouble.' 

"Trouble? This is nothing." said Phil. "And plus a beautiful girl like yourself diserves this." 

Eve starts to blush.

To Madison and Randy

"Madison this isen't working out. I was wrong for cheating on Kelly and you diserve a guy that likes you for you. I'm sorry." said Randy. 

"Don't worry about it Randy. I don't like you in that way either but......" Madiason climbs on top of him. " it dosen't mean we can't have goodbye sex." Madison starts to kiss his neck.

Randy tries to resit but he couldn't. "I'm going to hell." was Randy's last thought.

After the date

"I had a nice time Phil. We should do this again." said Eve.

"Yes we should. Um Eve?"said Phil.

"what?" asked Eve.

Phil kisses her on the lips.

"Goodnight." Phil says then leaves.

Eve walked in her house with a huge smile on her face.

Randy at home talking on the phone with John

"It was just goodbye sex..... Dude I know.... I'm done with Madison.... Ok bye" Randy goes upstairs to the bathroom.

Kelly starts to tear up. Kelly heard the conversation.

"I knew it."

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