This Is Going To Be One Hell Of A Summer

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After the flight they went to there beach house

"Damn this house is sick!" said John.

"Yeah it is." said Randy flatly. He hasn't even said one word to Kelly yet.

"Okay so there is two rooms with two bunk beds and two bathrooms." said Phil.

"Okay sounds great. Us girls will take one room and you assholes will take another." said Eve as the girls leave.

"Touchy." yelled Mike.

To John and Randy in their room

"Okay, Randy are you trying to avoid Kelly cause that's not going to happen." said John.

"I know that John but damn it she looks so fine! Oh my god! John I love her." said Randy falling down on his bed.

"Dude come on if you love her that much then go and fucking talk to her! Be a man for once in your life and go the girl you love or you going to end up like one of those middle age man that fuck around day and night!" said John passionately.

"First of all i'm a man. Second of all you shouldn't be talking it took you two years to ask out Maria." said Randy.

"True but I am with her now. You haven't kissed a girl in four months cause all you think about is Kelly." said John.

"Dude I know your right but I just can't go up to her and all of a sudden were back together plus she won't look at me." said Randy putting his hands on his face.

"You won't but take it slow. You won't jump in bed the minute you look in her eyes." said John rolling his eyes.

"Your right but-" 

John cuts him off. "But your scared. Dude, I know how you feel well..... not really but I can relate. If you don't go and talk to her now your going to regret it. If you and Kelly don't become friends then well you guys have no chance getting back together when we leave." John sits down next to him.

"Cena I know your right. Man thanks." said Randy. They both get up and they do a man hug.

"No problem now go and talk to her." said John as he pushed Randy out of the room.

Randy walks in and sees Kelly unpacking. Randy knocks on the door. Kelly turns around and looks speechless. 

"Hey." said Randy walking in.

"Hi." said Kelly quietly looking down.

"You need some help?" asked Randy.

"No i'm good thanks anyway." said Kelly taking out one of he shirts.

"Okay." said Randy and sits down on the bed.

After about a minute of silence that felt like an hour Randy spoke.

"Kells can we talk?" 

"Randy I don't know." said Kelly.

"Please Kelly." Randy pretty much beging.

"Fine." said Kelly and sits down next to him and looks at him.

"If looks could kill." said Randy.

"Randy stop flirting." said Kelly rolling her eyes.

"Sorry. Kells I miss you..... a lot. I know I was a complete jackass." said Randy.

"Randy you were." said Kelly.

"Is that all?" asked Randy a little confused.

"Yes." said Kelly.

"Really? Kells in case you have forgotten you cheated on me too. When I  just said I miss you, you said nothing back! Like Kells did you even love me?" said Randy looking down.

"Of course I love you!" said Kelly.

"Love?" said Randy popping up.

"Loved. I loved you Randy but now I just can't be with you!' said Kelly lying.

" Okay Kells whatever. I can't be with you either do you know why?" yelled Randy. Kelly shook her head. "Because your an ungrateful bitch that can't own up to her mistakes."

"Reallu cause you didn't either!" yelled Kelly.

"Maybe I didn't but you know what? I had a whole lot of a better time with her then you!"  

"Great good for you cause I can't wait to bring home some guy way hotter then you! Randy your just an arrogant son of a bitch! You think you can walk in here and think I will go back together with you because of your charm? Cause Randy then you must be a complete idiot!" yelled back Kelly.

To everyone else inside

"Damn they been going at it for like 10 minutes now." said Phil.

"I know! I can't believe what there saying to each other." said Eve cuddling up to Phil.

"I know I guess this was a bad idea." said Maria.

"You think?" said John putting his arm around her.

Mike comes in and says "This is going to be one hell of a summer." 

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