Not Even Looking Back

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At the club with the girls

"I can't believe Randy cheated on you!" said Eve very surprised.

"Well I didn't want to believe it but I guess it happen." said Kelly looking down.

"What are you going to do?" asked Maria.

"One word. Revenge." said Kelly.

"Kelly are you sure? Revenge is bad." said Maryse.

"Think about the typical love story when the guy cheats on the girl. The guy cheats, the girl cries then if they really love each other they get back together without the guy knows how she feels like when he did that. I want Randy to feel the way how i'm feeling right now." said Kelly.

"Thats true. You should do it." said Maria.

All the girls agreed.

"So whats the plan?" asked Eve.

"This is the plan....." said Kelly.

Over to the boys

"Dude so your done with Madison?" ask Mike.

"Done but enough about me, John go ask Maria to dance." said Randy

"Guys I don't know. What if she rejects me? What if she dosen't feel the same? What if?" asked John.

"Shut up with the what ifs and go ask her!" said Mike and pushed him to Maria. "I'm going to go find Layla."

"I'm going to go get a drink." said Randy.

"Hey Maria, do you wanna dance?" asked John nervously.

"I would love too." said Maria.

They go dance. Eve goes to get a drink and bumps into someone.

"God i'm sorry... oh hey Phil. I always keep bumping into you!" said Eve giggling.

"I don't mind, do you wanna dance?" asked Phil.

"I would love to Phil." said Eve.

To Randy and Kelly

"Baby are you alright? You seem off." asked Randy a little worried.

"I'm fine. Lets go dance." said Kelly leading him to the dance floor.

To Maryse and Mike talking

"So how do you like it here?" asked Mike.

"Its nice everyone are nice some nicer then others." said Maryse flippin her hair back.

"Thats good." said Mike smiling.

"Hey baby." said Layla coming up to him kissing him on the cheeck.

"Hi Lay." said Mike kissing her back.

"What are you doing here with this trash?" asked Layla.

"Honey if I were you, you should stop talking shit or I will rip those integration right out of your head, yeah your no fooling anyone." said Maryse with a smirk.

"How dare you!" said Layla then takes Mike hand and leaves.

"It was nice talking to you!" yelled Maryse.

To John and Maria

"Maria you are so beautiful." said John.

"Thanks John." said Maria blushing.

"Maria I really like you can please go on a date with me?" asked John.

"John I don't know." said Maria. "John I have been in too many heartbreaks. Do you promise not to break it?"

"Maria I promise." said John then puts his hand on her cheeck then starts kissing her.

An hour later

Everyone is having a great time but now its time for the plan.

"Baby i'm going to go get a drink." said Kelly and starts getting up.

"Okay." said Randy.

Twenty minutes later Kelly still hasn't return. Randy is starting to get worry.

Mike looks over and sees Kelly dancing with some guy and goes to find Randy.

"Randy i'm about to show you something but you won't like it." said Mike and points to Kelly kissing him.

"What a bitch." said Randy and leaves the club.

Kelly sees him and leaves.

At Randy and Kelly's house

Kelly walked in and sees Randy on the couch. Kelly goes to the couch and sits down. After about 5 minutes of silience Randy spoke.

"What was that Kelly?"

"I don't know I guess I was mad." answered Kelly while looking down.

"Mad about what? You express it by cheating on me right in front of me?" asked Randy raising his voice.

"I was mad that my boyfriend of three years cheated on me and lied to me and don't try covering yourself I heard you talking to John about it!" said Kelly also raising her voice.

"Why didn't you just come and talk to me like a normal girlfriend? No you just had to do this." said Randy as he was getting up.

Kelly gets up and says "Yes Randy I had too because if I didn't you would expect me to get back together with you! Randy i'm hurt that you would do this!"

"Kells what about me? You did it right infront of me! At least I did it behind you so you didn't have to see it!" yelled Randy.

"Don't turn this on me! Your just pissed that I found out about your lie!" yelled back Kelly.

"Kelly the only reason I didn't tell you because I didn't wanna lose you but now I guess you decided to turn into a slut!" yelled Randy.

"I'm a slut? Okay Randy whatever you say! Your a fucking womanizer! You don't know how to treat woman all you care is sex!" said Kelly then leaves and goes up to their room. Randy follows.

"What are you leaving?" asked Randy coldly.

Kelly starts to take out her clothes and a bag.

"Here let me help." said Randy and starts to grab her clothes and throws them out.

"RANDY STOP!" screams Kelly and pulls him back.

"Kelly here's you last presant from me." said Randy and throws her a little box.

Kelly opens it and sees a diamond ring.

"See Kelly? I was going to ask you to marry me but I guess it's over." said Randy coldly.

Kelly throws the ring and says "I'm glad you didn't cause then I would have to marry a son of a bitch!" said Kelly.

Kelly grabs the bag and leaves their room. Randy follows.

Kelly goes to the door, grabs her keys to her car and walks out the door not even looking back.

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