The Embarrassment

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Mike one more time, if you don't stop laughing, I'm going to ask the station to send over someone else, I said. Sorry Stef, it's just so funny that a police officers personal vehicle is stolen, he said continuing to laugh. That's not the only thing, Lena said under her breath. What do you mean, he asked. Lena no, I said shaking my head. What else other than your car being stolen, he said chuckling. Mike, I'm warning you, I said.  Okay, I'll be good, so what else, he asked. While Lena and I were staring into each other's eyes. Stef he might as well know because if they should find the car, he'll find out anyway, she said. Come on you guys what is it, he asked. Well, there was something inside our car, I said. Like what, he asked. Staring over at Lena, I was still hesitant. Well, Mike if they should find the car, we had a little surprise in the back seat, I said. Like what, he asked.  A dildo Mike, Lena blurted out. You're kidding, he said beginning to laugh again. Mike this is serious, I said. I know, I'm sorry, he said. Sighing heavily, of all the cops to send, they had to send my ex-husband, I said.  Well better me than someone else right, he said. I guess so, I said. So you said the car was parked right here, he asked. Yes, I said. Did you have an alarm on your car, he asked. Of course, I did, I said. Well didn't you hear it, he asked. Yes, but Lena, I said glaring over at her as she turned away from my eyes. Lena assumed it was coming from someone else's car, I finished. Well I got all the information down Stef, but as you know these things never end well, he said. I know, I said. Okay did you want a lift home, he asked. Sure Mike thanks, I said. As we all walked over to the police cruiser. 


How many times do you want me to apologize Stef, who knew it was our car babe, I said after Mike had just dropped us off. Just drop it Lena, okay, it's already embarrassing enough that the car was stolen, but then to have that thing in the car, she said. So I guess I'm to blame for both right Stef? I asked. I didn't say that Lena, she said. You didn't have to, it's in your tone, I said. I blame myself, I didn't have to take your word at face, I still should have gone an checked, she said. Fine Stef, I said angrily. What are you mad about, I told you I take full blame for this, she said. Well, you also said that you shouldn't have listened to me, I said. Lena, she started, cutting her off. No Stef, I need to go in an prepare dinner, I said walking into the house. 


After getting off the phone with Mike while Lena was still in the house, I was relieved to find out it was just some stupid teenage kid going joy riding and they found the car still intact. As I see Lena walk out of the house, I couldn't wait to tell her they found the car. Hey, I said. Hi, dinner should be ready in about an hour, she said not making eye contact. Just wanted to apologize, I never meant to make you feel like you were to blame baby, I said. Yeah well you did, she said. Sorry, do you forgive me, I asked. Of course, she said finally looking at me. Just got off the phone with Mike, I said. And, she asked. They found the car, I said. In what shape, she asked. The car is fine, it was just some kid out for a joy ride that's all, I said. What about the thing as you put it, she asked. I guess it's still in the back seat, I don't even think the kid noticed it, I said. And by the way, I'm sorry about what I called it, I said. It's okay, she said smiling. I know you didn't mean it, she said. So are we still going to use it tonight, even if it's in the tent, I said. Of course, that's why we got it, she said smirking. Well alright then, first dinner and then dessert Mrs. Adams Foster, I said. You know it, she said. I don't know what we're going to do when the kids get back home,  I said. We'll just do it in the privacy of our own bedroom, after having the taste of freedom I can't give it up, she said. I know what you mean, I said. So did Mike say when we could pick up the car, she asked. Well, he said he let the tow truck driver know where to drop it off, I said. I hope he said here, she said. Where else, I said. I love you, she said. I love you too baby,  I said. What's that I hear, she asked. I think it's our car being dropped off, I said. Okay why don't I check on dinner, while you check on dessert, she said. Yes ma'am, I said, as I made my way up front. 

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