Decision Made

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Receiving a call from the repair company that it will be another two days before they can get anyone out here, I'm dreading telling lena. So what time do they plan on getting here today honey, she ask, startling me after I got off the phone. Well the thing is honey, I begin. What, don't tell me, they're not coming today? she ask. Well yeah they have repairmen out sick, and they only have a few working, so it's going to be another couple of days, I say. Couple of days, what does that mean, two, three, four, what? she ask. Well they said two days, I answer. Well what can we do, she said with a smile, which surprised the hell out of me, I was expecting her to blow up at me. So you're okay with that, I ask. Why wouldn't I be honey, we've had such a wonderful adventure so far, I would probably been disappointed having it come to an end, she says. Well honey who says it would have to come to an end, I know I have to go back to work tomorrow, but we could always continue to camp out until the kids come back, I suggest. Well maybe, I'm not saying yes and I'm not saying no, but I do miss our bed baby, she says. I do to love, but it has been exciting right? I ask. Yeah you're right, she says.


Preparing breakfast while Stef is upstairs taking a shower, got me to thinking about what she asked, and I wouldn't say no to the idea of staying in the tent until the kids got back. Wow that shower felt amazing, she says scaring me from my thoughts. Just in time, I just finished preparing breakfast, why don't we take it outside, I say. Really? she says surprised, I thought you would want to eat indoors, she says. Me too, but I got to thinking about what you said. About? she asked. About us continuing to stay in the tent until the kids get back, I said. Really, so what have you decided, she ask. I think it's a good idea, it would be like we're on our own vacation, I said. I was thinking the same thing baby, I love spending time with you in this new way, maybe it was a blessing in disguise that the air conditioner broke down, she says. Maybe, it's also good for me to get out my comfort zone, don't you think, I say. Oh yes, come on let's eat this wonderful breakfast you prepared for us. 


I couldn't be happier when Lena made the decision for us to continue to stay in the tent until the kids return. I didn't think it was possible that I could fall even more in love with this woman, but I guess it is. What are you thinking about babe, she ask. Just about how much I love you, I say. Well the feeling is mutual Mrs. Adams Foster. I should hope so, pulling her chin close pressing my lips against hers. Come on we have plenty of time for that, lets finish getting these clothes washed so we can get back to the tent, she says. You know one of the best parts about sleeping outside, I said. What's that, she asked. That there is less cleaning we have to do in the house, a little bit of dishwashing, clothes washing, dusting and we're done, I say. That's true, she says. 

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