A Celebrity's Privacy

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Chapter 10

The next morning, Fiona and Stacey were already planning a banquet.

“Fi, did you call the planner?”

“Dang! That may have slipped my mind.”

“If you don’t call her soon, she will be busy. Do you plan to do this yourself?”

“Got it, Stace. I will call right now.” Just as she said, she laid out on her couch and pulled out her phone. There was only one person she could call. The party-planner to all the celebrities in California.

“Hi. This is LaRue Party Planning. Who may I ask is speaking?”

“Hi. This is Fiona Delafield. I would like to speak to Victoria.” She could practically hear the squeal from the secretary.

“Of course!” She heard the clearing of a throat. “I mean, one minute please.”

Stacey pointed to the fridge as Fiona waited. Fiona mouthed back yogurt.

“Fiona darling,” said a voice that screamed Old Hollywood charm. She was one of those socialite daughters who made something of herself with her own business instead of the phony ‘shoe designer’ title or job to dissuade the public from thinking she lived off of Daddy’s money. No, Vicki LaRue was the real deal. Her company was regarded as the top among both the entertainment and business world.

“Hi Vicki, I have a job that I would like help with.”

“No problem. Just tell me a quick summary. Then, we will set up a meeting to discuss details.”

Fiona told her about the cause and what she hoped to accomplish with the benefit dinner. Vicki added a few things she would look into.

“Sounds fabulous. You sound very passionate. I am going to put you down for two days from now. How about 11:30 a.m. Sound good?”

“Wonderful. Thanks again.”

“No problem, darling. See you then.”

Fiona hung up the phone and opened her yogurt, scarfing it down.


“We meet two days from now.”

“Good job. Vicki will do a wonderful job. Her parties are both very fun and elegant. Don’t get that very often these days. That is exactly what you need. Something that will showcase the seriousness of your cause without depressing everyone.”

“Thanks Stace,” she said a bit sarcastically.

“No problem, doll.” She walked over and collapsed on the couch with Fiona. They turned on the TV and lounged around. Isn’t it funny that if you lounged by yourself, you are a loner. On the other hand with another person, it is socializing.


Brick was not lounging around. He was on his search for a new lead. He had tracked the florist that night that he ate Thai with Fiona. Still they hadn’t been able to track the receipts for the flowers until today. He knew he wasn’t supposed to leave her, but he had to be away from her. Still, he only had left with the promise that she would stay in her apartment with Stacey until he got back. He didn’t need her recklessness.

“So here are the dates you said to check out.” The quiet woman slid the receipts across the counter.

“The only thing weird I found was a request for wilted flowers, but they paid with cash.  The person may have come in multiple times, but I notice repeat customers. I don’t believe he stuck with just our shops.”

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