The True Life of the Rich and Famous

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Chapter 21

“It is really what you can do for us?” said Brick as he stepped forward. “You have been sending some very creepy mail to Fiona lately. Is it because she turned you down? Is that why you are mad or something?”

William’s eyes opened in surprise. “I have not done anything to Fiona here. Let me tell you that  I am one of the hottest directors in the industry. I do not need to chase after anyone. People chase after me.”

“You sure? We have evidence that says otherwise.”

“Like what? Because I didn’t do it.”  He was unimpressed. 

“We found your cologne on all the cards.”

“So what? What is the word again? Circumstantial. My cologne is being sold in all types of stores.”

“Now. I have been getting the letters for a while now. Only someone with an advance copy could have that cologne when I first got the letters. The person it is named for.”

He sneered. “Is that all?”

“I didn’t start getting the letters until after I rejected you. The night that I got a bloody dog sent to me, you were supposed to be at a party, but you were late. You also have been very aggressive about your attractions.”

“I am not a passive guy, but I had nothing to do with that dog. Just so you know, I was late because of my son being sick. So I don’t appreciate the accusations.”

“Really your son? You don't seem like the doting father type,” pointed out Chris.

“Actually, it might be better for you to hear the truth. I told my wife that I stayed home with our son, but he is a teenager now. He could take care of himself. I went to see my girlfriend. Go talk to her if you want. We had a very good time,” he said with a smirk.  “So I don’t need to chase after you, pretty Fiona. If you wanted my attention, just ask next time. Now see yourself out.”

“I will follow up on that girlfriend alibi.”

“Go ahead. You might know her. It is the model Annabelle Carson.”  

William waited for them to get on the elevator. “Thanks for the visit.”

When the group had made it to the car, they let loose. 

“ I used to think he was so attractive, but now he just seems sleazy,” said Alice as she shook herself. Fiona nodded in agreement. 

“He didn’t have to be an ass even if we got it wrong,” said Chris, but Brick was unconvinced. There was definitely something there. He just didn’t know what. 


Once they made it back to the headquarters of Fiona’s apartment, they were listless. 

“What now? Are we done then? I mean, we found the guy. Now, we have to prove it, but it will be difficult now that he knows that we are on to him.”

“If anything, he will probably stop now that he knows he is not so secret any longer.” 

They watched some TV as they tried to think. It was only an hour or two before Chris stood up. 

“I am going out. I haven’t even been around the city yet. Maybe I will go find a nice restaurant or something. Anyone want to come?” He looked around. “Come on guys.” Alice stood up as well. 

“I’ll go. It sounds like fun.” Chris smiled and threw his arm on her shoulder. 

“Good. We’re going if no one else wants to? Okay. We are out,” he said as they walked out. 

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