Getting What You Really Want

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Chapter 19

She awoke to knocking at the door. She jogged to the door and peeked out. 

“Stop that knocking,” she said as she opened the door. 

“Why didn’t you answer your phone?” asked Brick.

“Alice didn’t either.” Fiona finally looked at Alice who had fallen asleep on the couch. She was still knocked out. She was probably exhausted from yesterday’s event. Chris and Brick walked in. 

To her amusement, Chris headed over to Alice. 

“Look at her. Isn’t she cute?” Brick lifted one of his eyebrows. Alice’s eyes were red and swollen. She looked like she might be snoring. She was definitely drooling. She looked . . .tired. That was a nice way of putting it.  Brick was puzzled as he watched the gentle way Chris ran his hand along Alice’s cheek. Oh-kay.

“Well, I am going on an errand. Chris is staying with you. I’ll be back. Call me with any emergencies okay.”

“Okay.” On an impulse, Fiona gave him a peck on the cheek. Her breath was probably smelly. And her hair was mess, but he turned around with heat in his eyes.  Brick paused for a moment longer before he left. 

Forget what I was thinking. I’m going to wear him down so slowly. She turned back to find Chris staring at Alice mesmerized. Yep. Alice was going to find someone else.

“Chris, do want to eat anything?”


“Eat. You want something?”

“I already ate. Don’t mind me.” He laid with his back against the couch. He turned on the TV with the volume low and relaxed. Fiona was tempted to say something when she heard the tell-tale ring of her phone. She picked it up to hear her brother’s voice. 

“What is this I hear about a dead dog?”


“That was tiresome,” huffed Brick. Yet, it was necessary. Cole was his boss and he demanded to know every development. Still, he could do without Cole’s angry outburst. He tried to shake off the memory as he walked into the hardware store. It was one store on a list of many. He grabbed a few tools and a new lock. He had already changed the lock from when the stalker had got in before, but it never hurt to  be cautious.

As he headed out, he called to check in. He knew Fiona was probably hating being treated like a child, but she would just have to deal. 

“Everything alright?”

“Yep. We are just watching TV.”

“Is that Brick?” yelled Fiona in the background.

“Yeah, why?” There was a rustling around before Fiona spoke. 

“What were you thinking? You called my brother.”

“He is my boss.”

“Shouldn’t I be your boss? You are protecting me.” How funny that now he worked for her. 

“No, you are not paying me. So it is your brother. I have to keep him informed.”

“Well, it is me he seems to bitching at? ‘Why won’t you move already?’ or ‘I knew this was going to happen.’”

Obviously, she never considered that Cole might yell at him as well. It was his job to catch the guy and make sure that this doesn’t happen.  

“Maybe he’s right,” he mumbled. 

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