NOT A NOTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!! PAARTTYYYY!!!!

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If you havent read my other, If i ever acted... you guys will probably be confused


Orlando: *sitting on the navy blue couch, with arms crossed, staring into space*

Me: *enters* Hey. 

Orlando: *ignors me*

Me: What is your problem? you have been ignoring me for awhile. It's not my fault Johnny got put in jail.

Orlando: *still stares at the wall, and remains silent*

Me: *sighs* Please tell me what is wrong?

Orlando: *purses his lips* 

Me: Fine. Keep your secrets. 

Orlando: *reaches for a bag of cookies, that are on the end table* 

Me: *stares* Do you have depression?

Orlando: *glares at me* Why would you think that i have depression

Me: *grins* He speaks!

Orlando: *grumbles under his breath*

Me: What?

Orlando: *munches on a cookie*

Me: I think you are depressed *leans on the door frame*

Orlando: Why?

Me: Because you havent been talking to anyone except that bag of cookies! *points to the cookies for emphasism*

Orlando: I do not speak to food.

Me: *raises eyebrow* Don't think i dont notice, Orlando. 

Orlando: What are you talking about?

Me: I once saw you holding a cookie and repeat, "why?" "why?" over and over again.

Orlando: I was not speaking to the cookie.

Me: Oh, were you speaking to the air? *wavees at the space around them*

Orlando: Myself.

Me: Like thats any better.

Orlando: *sighs* just leave me alone.

Me: Orlando, i know that something is wrong. I'm not oblivious, though sometimes i can act that way.

Orlando: *scoffs* aint that the truth.

Me: Well, idk, i think that sometime people like me better when i am weird and oblivious.

Orlando: *looks over at me and raises one eyebrow* How on earth did you come to that conclusion?

Me: they always like Johnny.

Orlando: And look where is crazyness got him. Jail. *bites into a cookie*

Me: *sighs* I know. I just....nevermind

Orlando: you just what?

Me: It's nothing. 

Orlando: *stares*

Me: *tries to avoid his deep brown eyes*

Orlando: Tell me

Me: Only if you tell me what is wrong.

Orlando: *exhales and continues to gaze at the wall* 

If I Ever Acted With Orlando BloomWhere stories live. Discover now