Snake Charmer

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Serpents slither their cold-blooded bodies over my feet, and ruthlessly wrapping themselves around my legs. They are bloodthirsty and vindictive creatures that crave the pain of others. On order, they will strike their poisonous fangs into any that I see fit. These snakes, they all beg for my attention, but associating myself with such fiends would be dreadful. I charm these snakes, but I don't get too close.

You don't have to be Medusa to make the snakes beg for your attention, you only need to be her gay best friend. The position that's as old as time itself, the gay best friend to the queen bee is the highest rank a gay boy can achieve in high school. Of course it's all just part of my master plan. The most sinister of plans- to get a boyfriend!

I flip out my handy pocket mirror I gaze at my eyes, admiring my rare, pale green eyes. I'm not the best looking gay out there, but people always compliment my eyes, so they are superior to the rest of my body. I have a pale complexion, with light features, so I tend to gravitate to pastel colors. Maybe that's another reason why I turned out a gay icon!

I'm wearing a mint green sweatshirt, with faded blue jeans. I love mint green, it's so pretentious and pretty, which is how I like to think of myself as. I tend to be pretty moody most of the time, so I get big highs and lows. One minute I'm telling myself that I slay in the mirror and the next I'm crying about how I'm too skinny for my height so it makes me look like a skeleton. That's just an everyday thing for me and my crazy gay life.

"Mason! Wait up!" Gabby calls my name, causing all the heads to turn in our direction. Just the presence of Medusa and her gay best friend is enough for all the eyes to focus on you.

Gabby struts forward in her pink high heels, modeling every step with a flip of her long golden locks or pop of the hip. Today she's giving us her 'body positive' look, which includes a very short silver skirt and a pastel pink crop top that matches her heels. I hear some envious girls muttering 'skinny bitch' and 'diva' as she walks by.

"Hey Gabby, I'm loving the outfit!" I flash her a smile, and she starts to 'run' to me, or should I say walk a little faster. Gabby Grace doesn't do running, she would break an ankle if she attempted something so barbaric.

"Oh Mason, you're always so supportive of me! I'm going to cry I love you so much!" Gabby announces. She spreads her arms out like she's going to give me a hug, but before I can, she looks around waiting for something. "HELLO? I said I'm going to cry! Where is my tissue?!" Gabby yells at the bystanders watching us. In no time, they all scramble for a tissue as fast as they can despite Gabby being perfectly fine.

"I didn't mean to make you ruin your make-up." I go along with the fact that she's 'crying' because that's how you have to act when dealing with Gabby. At this point, it's my natural instinct.

"Don't worry about that, I just get so emotional sometimes!" Gabby waves her hand in front her face, this means she wants a paper fan to make it easier for her. Luckily I have this one in the bag, no one will get yelled at for this one.

"Being emotional is a good thing, it reminds us we can't always be strong. We're all human, and our emotions are what makes us so connected to one another." I say, handing her a pastel pink paper fan with the words 'love myself' written in silver.

Gabby opens the paper fan and happily fans herself. "Mason, darling, that was beautiful! You should be a poet, just like what's his name? Randy Frost!" Gabby praises me, and I ignore the fact she messed up Robert Frost's name. There's no use in correcting her, Gabby is never wrong.

"Did you see Emily around anywhere? She said she wanted to give me some classy clothes to wear," I ask, looking around try to find the fashionista.

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