I Can't Do It Alone.

Start from the beginning

"I can't." I murmured, squeezing my eyes shut. 

"You can." 

"Damien, please? Make the pain go away?" I begged, clutching onto the lapels of his tux. 

"I wish I could, baby." He whispered, scooping me into his arms, and helping me to my feet. 

I cried into his shoulder, as he carried me over to everyone. They watched us with sympathetic expressions. 

"Let us commend Blair Redford to the mercy of God." He waved a hand, and a small crane began lowering Blair's coffin into the hole. "We therefore commit his body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in the sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life." He finished, just as the coffin hit the ground with a soft thud. 

I buried my face in Damien's neck, not watching as each mourner took a handful of soil and tossed it onto his coffin. I felt Damien shift slightly, alerting me to the fact that he too had thrown a handful of soil onto our little boy's coffin. 

"It's your turn Izzy." He whispered in my ear. 

Instead of grabbing a handful of soil though, I reached into my coat, and pulled out a single red rose. I softly stroked the petals, mumbling my own quick message, before tossing it onto the coffin. 

Once I was back in the safety of Damien's arms, the Priest closed the ceremony, and the cemetery workers began shovelling the soil into the grave. 

"It'll be a few days before the headstone gets here." One said to us, his eyes holding that same sympathetic look. 

"Okay, thank you." Damien replied, holding me a little closer to his body. 

"Damien, can we come back later?" I asked, keeping my head in the crook of his neck. "When no one's here." 

"Of course." He replied, turning us away from the grave. I kept my eyes on it, not being able to look away. 

"Izzy?" A voice asked. I looked up to see Kieran and Tyler stood in front of us. "I'm so sorry Sis." Tyler whispered, looking me dead in the eye. I didn't reply, I threw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck. 

"I miss him, Ty." I whispered, hugging him a little tighter. 

"I know, Sis." He replied, tightening his grip too. 

"Anything you need, Bro, just let me know." I heard Kieran saying. 

"Thanks, kid." Damien replied. I could feel his eyes on my back, worried. 

"Anytime." Kieran patted his brother's back, and turned to face me. "Chin up, Izzy." He whispered, tapping my chin slightly. I nodded at him, removing myself from my brother to hug Kieran too. 

"Thank you." I choked out. 

"For what?" Tyler asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"For coming here today." I replied, stepping away from Kieran, and wiping at my wet cheeks. 

"You're my little sister, you need all the support you can get at the moment, and I need to protect you." He replied, giving me a sad, crooked smile. 

"I love you, guys." 

"We love you too." Kieran murmured, kissing my left cheek, then Tyler kissed my right cheek. 

After that, they both walked away, patting my shoulder and nodding at Damien, before disappearing into the car park. 

I sighed, melting into Damien's side again. 

"Let's go home." He mumbled, kissing my hair. 

I nodded, sending a quick glance over my shoulder at the grave. 

Bye Blair.


Okie, next chap is epilogue, and then that's it! 

Quick question! 

Will anyone read a sequel to this? Or do you think it's done and dusted? 

I'll let you decide after the epilogue!! 




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