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"Hello?" Rick prompted. "Still kicking?"

  The viking groaned and lifted his head. Rick extended his hand.

  "My name is Rick Dunmoore. You can just call me Rick. In case you were unaware, you are living in a game. You were trapped here by an entity called Cubic. I know someone planning an uprising, and we need your help to break its walls down."

  The viking stared, appearing bewildered. Suddenly, he let out a hearty laugh, and he stood up on his own.

  "Me know," he said as he shook Rick's hand. "Me Hugo. You powerful. Me help you." He pulled out his own axe and smiled.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Rick noticed that the space next to them appeared to distort. It slowly rippled and ripped apart like wet paper, revealing the trench coat man aboard his ship.

  "I knew you had it in you," the man said. He nodded to Hugo. "You're going to help?"

  "Yes, Nikolas!" He reaffirmed with a mighty shout. The two boarded the ship, and it backed away from Cubota 2.

  "So, who are we going after next?" Rick asked Nikolas.

  In response, he pulled out a map, one that Rick didn't actually understand. "Now, we need the champion from the Teleportal Game. He is the only player I know of who can open a passage to Cubic." He left the map for Rick and Hugo to stare at and turned to the navigator. "You know where to go."

  The ship traveled along, then opened up a new rift. Rick went to the door.

  "Mind you, he is a little crazy. He always talks about 'cake'." Nikolas cautioned. They could all see a pale man curled into a ball, hunched over a small tablet.

  "I'll bring him to his senses," Rick said. He hopped out, and the ship disappeared. He once again felt odd. He shook the feeling away and slowly approached the man. "Hey, buddy."

  The man did not reply.

  "Hey, can you hear me?"

  "Help me," the man whispered. He did not move at all. "C.A.K.E., C.A.K.E., help me find C.A.K.E."

  "What are you talking about?"

  The earsplitting sound of metal grinding on metal reverberated throughout the facility. The man yelped and pulled Rick's arm with surprising strength, and they tumbled through a yellow mesh. It was to Rick's surprise that they ended up on a balcony.

  "That." The man pointed at nothing. Rick, now disgruntled, jumped down from the ledge back down to the ground.

  "What do you mean, 'That'?" Rick shouted up to him. When the man didn't reply, Rick turned around. It was to his unpleasant surprise that there was a good amount of robots approaching him.

  He immediately drew his rifle and fired at the faster and smaller drones. They were quickly being oblitered, but his real problem wasn't them, nor the sentries that crawled towards him menacingly. Rather, it was the robots whose guns packed a powerful punch. So, he ran, hopping over the lasers as he went.

  He unintentionally stepped on a turquoise pad, which launched him up into the air. He screamed, but he landed safely and kept on running. The burning pain in his back from the blasts cleared his head, and he got an idea.

  He dove through a turquoise portal, then pressed his back up to the wall. He was up on the balcony across from the one where the man rocked back and forth on. He wasn't out of range of the blasts, but he was protected enough. He opened fire on the robots as they walked towards his position. When they were all under the balcony, he lept off and bounced off of the pad. None of the blasts hit him, and he safely landed on the next pad, then on the other balcony.

  "Hey," Rick said gently. The man looked up.


  "What is this 'Cake', anyway?"

  "My friend. We built her." He began rocking back and forth again. "She made her own friends. They don't like me. Or you. Or anyone."

  Rick took a few moments to process that. "What's your name?"

  The man shook his head. Rick sighed, and returned to his pattern. When he had reduced the number of robots to nearly zero, he jumped down and finished them off.

  The clacking of metal prongs against the cold floor.

  "C.A.K.E.!" The man suddenly screeched. "C.A.K.E.!"

  Rick sprinted to see what the man was shouting at. To his utter dismay, the man had jumped off of the balcony and was approaching what appeared to be a walking turret. Before he could shout a warning, the turret fired, and the man was propelled backwards. Rick immediately opened fire on it, then began running when it fired back. The man got up and made his way back to the balcony.

  Running in circles seemed to be the only way to outmanuver C.A.K.E., especially with the exploding robots it sent crawling after him. It was quick to fire, so he was forced to use his rifle. Of course, he didn't go unscathed, but he eventually managed to damage it enough for it to fall apart.

  Something glittered in its remains, and he pulled out a long, blue gun.

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