Sky Islands

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  Rick swung his knife and plunged it deep into the pharaoh's chest. To add insult to injury, he twisted the knife as well. This earned a shriek from it as it backed up out of the blade and collapsed against the wall. With a grin, he pulled off the wrap from its face and looked back at Alice, who had finally decided to follow him back in.

  "See? Just an evil ancient mummy." He held up the wrap with the crimson eyes attached to it. She took it from his hand and checked it over, then handed it back, and he shoved it into his backpack as a souvenir. "So, where to?"

  "The Sky Islands," she replied, wincing from the throbbing in her neck. He nodded, but decided to hold off on asking more questions. They both left the temple, with her leading him through the quicksand.

  Rick could see a strange formation in the sky, but he didn't realize what they were until they had gone up the grassy hills.

  "I didn't think you meant it literally when you said Sky Islands," he remarked as he gazed up in wonder.

  "I used to hang out here a lot. It was fun," she said softly before going to walk up the long narrow bridge. He eyed her purple neck and followed suit.

  "I can see why," he thought out loud, a small cave catching his eye. The islands did look peaceful once one was on them. He glanced up at the sky to check the sun, which was close to setting. "I think we should rest here. We can catch up a bit and hopefully find something to eat. Man, am I starving!" He rubbed his palms together and licked his lips, acting as if he was anticipating their dinner. A giggle was brought out of Alice.

  As he looked around the overhang, he noticed a few winged pigs flying around, as well as a blue zombie nearby. "I also think it is absolutely safe," he drawled, rolling his eyes. He wasn't too pleased, but he had expected it. "Alice, get to somewhere safe, please." She nodded, and the next thing he knew, she had scrambled up a tree and leaped onto the edge of a waterfall.

Taking out his pixel gun, he jumped back and fired away at the white bird quickly approaching him. He then shot straight into the eye of a red-gray cyclops, which unnerved him with its blank stare. There were so many monsters, he had to keep leaping as if the grass was burning up.

Sighing, he stretched his right arm and pressed the trigger of the sniper, ending a flower before it could cause problems. He then looked over at the huge rock on the edge of the island. A light bulb went over his head, and he scampered onto it, then jumped into a tree. 'This is fun,' he thought. He shot down any monsters he could see with either his sniper or his rifle. It was irritating when a zombie made it under the tree, but he remained in his position until he could see no more. He jumped down and knifed the zombie.

  Gazing around, he walked over to a bridge and went up onto another island, rushing a zombie before killing a few others. He had had to jump into the water to reach them with his sniper. When he had slain them all, he was on a tiny island barely connected to the rest.

  'So, who's the big one?' He wondered, watching out for it as he slowly walked towards the stepping stones. He got his answer when he heard a fairly loud grunt, and he turned around to see a green flying warthog homing in on him. He shot it once, then had to dive as fast as he could so he wouldn't get knocked off the islands, gouging his cheek on one of its tusks as he did so.

  Sucking in a breath, he hit it with his sniper as he ran in a circle, not wanting to risk slipping off a rock and falling to his doom. It followed his movements, so he constantly had to tightly aim. Eventually, he had had enough, and he backed away for just long enough so he could shoot it down.

  'There we go.' He lightly tapped his face where the wound was and winced. It hadn't gouged him too badly, but it still hurt. It was sensitive enough that the pain worsened when he poked at it from the other side with his tongue.

  He stretched his legs, picked up the signal pistol that had dropped, and jumped up the steps back up to the island where Alice was.

"We're good!" he shouted. He then found one of the dead pigs and slung it over his shoulders. With a deep breathe, he went back to the cave, illuminated in the sunset.

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